Chapter 1 ||To The Hunter Exam!||

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(A/N: roots/plants dialog will be in [this], you speaking with them in your mind will be in {This} and ability using will be <This>)

*No One's POV*

*500 years later*

"UGHHHHHHHH I'M SO BOREDDD!" A girl with maroon eyes yelled. The girl has done literally everything on her 'to-do' list. She glanced at her to-do list again before she put her head back down, lying in the tree

 She glanced at her to-do list again before she put her head back down, lying in the tree

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*Michiko's POV*

My roots ended up stealing some ink and paper for me a couple years ago and is now a routine "hggghhhhhh- huh?" My thorns are talking? Hmm- I wonder what they want... [you bored?] "Pretty much" [I think we've done all we can] "Huh?" [It's time you go explore the world yourself] .... Oh...mah...gawd!! "REALLY?!" [Uhm..yes.] I calmed myself down a bit. "So-" [First we need to make sure you know how to mentally speak to me] oh yeah... {Of course, you taught me this like 5 years ago T-T} [phew, anyways...if your bored you could try out the Hunter exams] I ignore the sigh. {What's that?}

(After explaining, timeskip brought to you by lazy author)

[We already picked out an outfit for you to wear, here go try it on] The thorns brought me a damaged box with what I assume, was the outfit inside {Sure, give me a second} I walked behind the large tree and slipped off the dress I made out of leaves and proceeded to put on the outfit. I walked out wearing the thing and I was very satisfied. I wore a black shirt (Ik it's a corset but who wants to fight in that??) And draped on a dark red coat that was fading into black. That somehow looks like a dress with sleeves going to my wrist, and buttoned up the top part. I wore black tights with red heels and black gloves that were up to wrist length

(Ik it's not clear ;-;){I'm impressed! Thanks a lot thorns!} [Your welcome, we also stole some Jennies for you to start off with] They handed me a pouch of 10,000 jennies {Oh, thank you! We should probably get going then right?} [Yes, of course] S...

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(Ik it's not clear ;-;)
{I'm impressed! Thanks a lot thorns!} [Your welcome, we also stole some Jennies for you to start off with] They handed me a pouch of 10,000 jennies {Oh, thank you! We should probably get going then right?} [Yes, of course] So I started to exit the Forbidden Forest, the only sound heard in this forest was the clicking of my heels on the dirt path. <Curious Plants> "So which island are we on and where do we need to go?" A bush nearby came to me and whispered [You are on a island called Forbidden Island as the forest has taken over the whole island, me and a couple other plants are the only alive ones here. You can get to the exam on a nearby island called Whale Island. The actual exam is in Zaban City on 2-5-10 Tsubashi Street]

{Thank you, I believe I already know the password. You may leave now} the plant vanished out of sight. Now... "Take me to Whale Island" A tree that now has my nen extended one of it's branches towards the Island, I ended walking for quite a bit until I reached the island. {Thank you for your service, keep the extra nen} then right after I canceled my ability. I put my hood up as I asked around for directions, I ended up boarding a ship and saw a weird kid with green and black spiky hair waving at what I'm assuming is their guardian. I walked around the ship and went into one of the cruise rooms to rest


I woke up to see that almost everyone was down and nauseous. Why be on a ship, no. Why even be a Hunter if you have motion sickness?! Oh there was a storm...oops...anyways- {Hey, you there?} [Hm? What's up?] {I'll be using Zetsu just incase anyone else in the Hunter exam knows nen, so yeah. Just a warning} [Awww, okay...] once I activated Zetsu I looked around the room. There were only 3 people left besides me that are conscious and not on the verge of throwing up. There was the spiky haired kid I saw yesterday helping the sick, a giant that looks like he's in his twenties with glasses, black hair and a suitcase on the hammock of some sort. Then there was a blonde kid with gray eyes

The captain ended up calling us and the kid ended up predicting another storm...I wonder how? Anyway, they started to introduce themselves. "Hi! I'm Gon Freecss!, and I wanna become just like my dad!"- aww~ he's so adorable! The giant was complaining why we needed to do it while the blonde and I agreed. The Captain said it's part of the exam and he was an examiner then blonde named 'Kurapika' said about the Kurta's last will and how he wanted to defeat the phantom troupe....

I read a book about how the whole clan was wiped out, guess he's the lone survivor...poor boy. I snapped out of my trance when kurapika and giant finally stopped fighting, 'leorio' wanted it for the money apparently...really? "Hey! You in the flashy outfit!" OUCH! "Uhm, yes?" "Name, reason and take off that hood" I ended up being quite resistant till he gave up on me removing the hood. "I'm Michiko Rose, I came here to find some kind of purpose in life.." .... Uhm...this is..awkward.. "uhh..ima just go out then?" I left leaving the thick tension in the air

I then saw Gon jumping to save a crew member to what I assume fell when the storm was raging on, I swiftly went after him when his feet detached to the floor but I also poor outfit...oh hey! Kurapika and Leorio caught me! My outfit was saved! "Thanks.." I said while quickly walking away. Anyway, ima just stay inside to avoid anything like that again...


"Where are you going Rose-san?" Asked Gon while the other two gave me weird looks "Yeah, the guy told us to go to that hill" added Leorio. "I have some errands to run in this place, I sha'll see you at the exams." I bowed a walked away from them, leaving a confused trio

Word count: 1039

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2021 ⏰

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