"The Date"

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((Oki, so this is about where Nic started working with me. Most of this chapter is written by her, because she's really amazing at being discriptive and creative <333 I should have asked her to help me sooner cause damn))

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

We started walking down the pavement beside my house, when suddenly, Haru stops. "What is it?" I ask, wanting to get to the mystery location already. He reaches into pocket of his jeans and pulled out a purple blindfold. "Uh, what's that for...?" You ask in a worried tone. 'Why the hell does Haru have a blindfold?!' As my heart is racing at all the possibilities that could be happening right now. He turned to me with a sheepish grin on his face.

"Do you mind if you put this on? I-I just want this place to be a secret, y'know?" He trails off, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

I gulp, and nod slowly, grabbing the purple cloth from his hands and tying it around my eyes.

"Um, Haru?" I ask flustered. "Yeah?" I could tell he was excited. "How are we going to get there if I can't see?" Next thing I knew he picked me up and set me on his back gently. I wrapped my legs and arms around him, and start to relax a bit.

With a jolt I feel Haru start to walk beneath you. Giggling, you wrap your arms around his neck a bit tighter to keep hold, and tell him to walk faster. "Okay, but you gotta hold on!" he shouts, his light laughter filling my ears as I tuck my head in the crook of his neck. 'Wow, he smells really nice...' I shake the thought out of my head.

Haru starts running, and a slight giggle escapes your lips, as you bounce up and down. Your hands tighten around his shoulders. "(Y/N)! Loosen up a bit! You're practically choking me!" He laughs, nudging your hand with his forehead. "Well you have to slow down first, Haru! I'm not going to the emergency room on our first date!" You start to laugh, but soon trail off as you realize what you had said. Your cheeks are a bright pink with embarrassment, but he can't see.

"Haru, are we almost there?" you ask, a yawn escaping your lips as you speak. "About half way, (Y/N). But we still hae the rest to go. Just relax, and enjoy the breeze." At the mention of rest, you settle your head back down on his shoulder and you close your eyes. Sleep tugged at you, and soon enough you were fast asleep on Haru's shoulder; lulled to sleep by the sound of his light breathing.

Haru's P.O.V

As (Y/N) and I approach the secret area, I start to slow down to a walking pace. Finally, I get to the enterance and kneel down for (Y/N) to hop off my back. I can hear her breathing is slower, and her grip isn't as tight anymore. 'Is she asleep?' I turned my eyes toward her to find her fast asleep on my shoulder.

The way the sun hit her, made (Y/N) look so cute. I set her down on a nearby log, and gaze at her for a moment. Her hair sways in the warm spring breeze, making her look even more beautful than ever. I undid the blindfold and softly put my hand up to her cheek. Her eyes flutterr open slowly, as I flash he a sweet smile.

"Hey there, sleepy head." A small chuckle filled the amiable evening air, as I looked down at (Y/N); speaking softly to her.  I watched as her eyes widened as she realized where she was. "Haru! You should have waken me!" You slumped your shoulders, and jutted out your lip. It was so cute, but now was not the time. "You looked so peaceful in your sleep. I didn't want to disturb the peace." I said, shrugging just a bit.

Standing up, I grabbed (Y/N)'s hand, and pulled her to the wall of hanging tree moss. "Here we are." Her face looked confused, and I resisted the urge to laugh at her concentration. "Haru. You took me to moss. Seriously? There has to be more!" I listened to you mutter a few more words of confusion before I intervened. "Push away the moss." She stepped forward, and gripped the moss in two hands, then ripped them open like a curtain. With a satisfied smirk on my face, I listened to her excited gasp.

"Oh Haru! It's gorgeous!"

We were facing Urden: a hidden garden I had found when I was quite young. My hand trembled with excitement as I gripped hers, and led her deeper into the sanctuary. In the middle of the garden was a ginormous, cracked, granite fountain. It was flowing water out of the top, and down the sides; the water hit each level of the granite, until it finally reached the bottom and was joined together with all of the coins that I had thrown in as a child, and algae. All of the water seemed to sparkling, almost as if it had some magic in it; but we all know that's impossible. I felt a tugging on my hand, and I realized that (Y/N) was leading me away from the fountain to one of the quartz benches that sat around it. Surrounding the benches were flowers of various reds, pinks, blues, purples, and oranges.

I once tried to count the amount of different plant species that were occupying the space, but I lost count after two hundred. "How did you find this place?" She asked, distracting me from flashbacks of my childhood. "I don't really remember. Hungry?" I reached over behind a second bench, pulling out a woven picnic basket and blanket. She nodded vigorously, and a wide smile spread across my face.

Cough this is as far as we got so just deal with this short descriptive chapter until Nic and I talk some more

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