III, Going to School

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Tief didn't have dreams. He didn't have a stroll through his memories this night, as well.

But now, he woke up with a long gasp, panting in fear remembering what happened to him that night. Was he dead? Was he-

It was early morning, sunrise. And around him, the room was painted red and black in letters he didn't know. Many, many letters written in blood were inscribed on the walls of the room, and on the ceiling there were two pure white skeletons with their mouths opened wide, as if in their last moments they cried loudly in fear and pain..

'Tayem'hosekem webhoht dohteser vekem iya'tayem gethe'tayem iya'tayem...'

He could read it, this was written all over the place. Whispers, dark voices that made him shiver.

The whole room was the result of what he've done. Of his nature. To save himself he killed two others. And now Tief was pale, almost colourless in face. He wanted to throw up, he wanted to run away.

Trying to ignore the whispers in his head which he believed was his subconscious, he packed his things and dressed up, with his hands trembling and breath shaky. Tears in his eyes. His lute wasn't damaged anyhow, not a scratch, and the money was intact. Tief then looked outside (his room was on the second floor of the Duglew Tavern), and thought to crawl through the window to avoid meeting anyone.

Opening the window and trying not to look at the walls painted with blood and unholy symbols, he exhaled, and with a wicked maneuver jumped down, rolling and standing up on his feet without anything damaged.

— Curse you, curse you, curse you... — He mumbled under his breath, walking as far as possible from the tavern. His heart was rushing again, but to his surprise, his back didn't hurt anymore. At all.

Tief walked to some alley between two gardens and leaned on a wall.

— Think, think you poor bastard... — He spoke to himself, thus motivating himself to think.

This letter was suspicious, but how would he know it was true other than go and check himself? Tieflings are known for their chaotic raw magic and fiendish nature. What if it's a cult where they will force him to learn bad things? What if it's a trap made up by some... Inquisition of sorts? At least three churches didn't like any demonic creatures

But what if it is a school for tieflings, just like him? He thought a little.

Dark skinned people with glowing eyes and claws, feral long feet... He never saw anyone of his kind before, only on an illustration from some book written in Revenlandish. He thought most of them should be red, as depicted in the manuscripts, but him? What if he wasn't even a tiefling but some... Other kind of fiend, or something?

What if he wouldn't be allowed there? He checked the letter twice. Tief knew, at least he thought he knew, that he is the only street bard tiefling child who played songs on the streets of Serreip Sed district.

If it's a real school, then he could walk there and meet others of his kind, have friends, maybe a family... He could play songs with them, he could play games, he could have food and a comfortable bed...

Then, Tief remembered this night and thought about his powers. He didn't know how he casted this strange spell that deformed the two men so much, and didn't want to cast it, at least consciously. Potentially it was very powerful, and though he knew nothing about magic, Tief accepted the fact he could use it in a defensive manner.

Now, he has decided.

— I am going to school, Seth.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2021 ⏰

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