3- The Hospital

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Sqaishey POV

Come on, where was he already! Amy's about to have the baby- she can't wait much longer! He said he would be here in 10 minutes- it's been half an hour!

And then it hit me. What if he doesn't come? What if something happened to him? Oh no, what if something actually did happen to him?

Just as I pulled my phone out to call him, I heard someone call my name. I turned around to see Stampy. He was walking beside a stretcher, and then he came and ran to hug me.

"Squid- Squid's been in a...a." He stuttered. "A what! A WHAT!" I shouted.

"Squid's been in an accident." He said with his head hung down.

I started crying into his shoulder. He rested his head on my shoulder and started crying too. He stroked my back and my hair.

We broke up our hug when we saw a doctor approaching us. He had a very sad look on his face.

"I'm sorry to tell you that your friend is in critical condition, and I'm afraid he's in a coma. His chances of waking up are very slim. It's best you move on." He said to us very sympathetically while putting his arm on my shoulder.

Stampy and I looked at each other confused. "Actually, I'm not his girlfriend. We're just friends." I told the doctor. "Oh, sorry then. Well, does he have a girlfriend, or someone else who we could call?" The Doctor asked.

"Yes, he has a girlfriend, Amy. She's also in the hospital- she just had a baby, actually. Also, there is another friend who I will call later today." Stampy replied. "Ok then." The Doctor said as he walked away.

"This is terrible! What- what if he never wakes up? And Amy! We have to tell her, Stampy." I cried.

"Well, then let's go tell her." He said confidently. It was obvious he was trying to act brave, though I could see the tears in his eyes, and they broke my heart.

I made my way over to the waiting area and sat down, while Stampy went to the receptionist's desk and asked if we were allowed to see Amy.

I was trembling. What if he never woke up? Sure he was my and Stampy's friends- but he was also now a dad. He meant so much to Amy, and she meant so much to him.

Why? Why did this have to happen? I questioned myself. I then looked up and noticed Stampy calling me over to him. "We can go tell her now. She and the baby are doing fine. She had a girl." Stampy told me.

Wow! That's so great for Amy- I knew she wanted a girl! I got so happy, and then I got sad again, thinking about how that baby was never going to meet her father.

I started to cry at the thought. "It's ok, Sqaishey. It'll get better, I promise". Stampy said in a comforting voice.

OOH! This story is getting very suspenseful! One more chapter for today! Byeeeee! ~Emily

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