17- Losing Hope

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Stampy POV                                                                                                 

Two weeks had gone by, and I started to lose hope. None of the doctors had any faith in her recovery. I guess it was really the end, but it couldn’t be. I just couldn’t be. The love of my life, the air I breathe; my everything. I would rather be tortured to death than to have to live another second without her. The world feels so empty without her beautiful smile and glowing hair. Her sparkling teeth and gorgeous eyes. The way she looked at me. The way that her lips felt on mine when they met. It felt as if they were two missing puzzle pieces, finally reunited. Her voice- her sweet, innocent, loving voice.

 I started to cry again. I was in the hospital room alone with her, so no one would notice. Then I heard footsteps coming from behind me. I turned to the walkway to see who it was. It was the last person that I ever wanted to see. It was Lee. “Get another inch closer to me and her, and see what I will do to you.” I said, giving him a deathly glare. A look of panic quickly filled his pale face. “I-I just came to s-say that I-I’m sorry. I’m really, truly sorry for everything that I have caused. I didn’t mean to do any of this. Me and Rosie got into a fight, so I started drinking. It quickly turned into a habit, and, even after we’d wave patched things up, I continued on drinking. I was drunk when I got into that car to drive. If I had known I was drunk, then I certainly wouldn’t have gotten behind that wheel. And now, because of me, poor Sqaishey might not wake up. I’m so sorry.” He began tearing up. He started crying, and coming towards me. “LEE, I SWEAR TO GOD. I’M ARMED AND DANGEROUS, AND NOT IN A GOOD STATE OF MIND RIGHT NOW TO GIVE SYMPATHY TO ANYONE RIGHT NOW- ESPECIALLY NOT TO YOU. ONE MORE STEP AND YOU’LL GET IT. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME??” I screamed as loud as I could, as I reached into my left pocket and slowly began to wrap my fingers around the steel handle of the pocket knife, until I could get a grip on it. Once I had, I was ready to rip it out of my pocket at any given moment. He started backing up, and quickly ran back to his room. I turned around, and stared at Sqaishey’s face again. I felt terribly guilty, just sitting here, not being able to do anything. All of a sudden, all the anger and bad emotions in the world just came flooding on to be, rushing into my body, like a huge wave of helplessness. I took the pocket knife out, and started to make my way to Lee’s room.

Halfway there, I stopped dead in my tracks. I thought to myself ‘Was I really doing this?’

Ooh Stampy that’s no way to solve your problems. Trust me, I would know… LOL JK April fools! LOL me and my class pranked my science teacher soooooo bad today let’s just say it went totally wrong… HAHA anyways I’ll see you later! Byeeeeeeeee!


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