Chapter 5

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Roxana laid in the secret department of the carriage seat. After a few minutes she heard voices and foot steps.

She heard the carriage door open then the sound if two or three people sitting in the carriage followed.

"Why did you attend their party?" A man's voice resonated in the carriage.

"I was interested in something" Another person said. She recognized this as the voice of Noel, the Head of the Veritium family. "Any reports about progress for the new puppet?"

The talk about the 'new puppet' piqued Roxana's interest. She had discovered the Veritium family were doing a secret operation which would obviously be something bad.

"It's going smoothly" However, the person didn't elaborate further on the topic.

"Don't you think it's wierd how our carriage was broken"

"Hmm. I think it was the bumpy roads on the way here" There was no further serious conversation after this. Only some light talks that held no importance.

She eventually felt the carriage stop moving. Then the sound of a gate being opened followed. It seemed that they had reached the Veritium mansion.

The carriage smoothly entered the place and came to a halt. The carriage door opened and was closed. She felt that the people who were formerly inside had left. But in order to be cautious, she waited for a short while.

After ten minutes she carefully pushed open the seat she had been in. Thankfully, there was no one in the room.

'I have to move fast' Roxana thought to herself.

She raised up the carriage curtain and peeked outside. There were some people moving about. It would prove to be hard to get rid of them and someone would soon come to take the carriage back to the Pedelian mansion.

Roxana contemplated how to come out of the carriage unseen. But without her needing to implement any plan, her problem was solved for her.

"There's an intruder at the front gates!" All the guards in that area left the area.

Roxana watched as they leaved coincidentally. But she didn't think it was just a coincidence. Suddenly she recalled Cassis who had promised his help to her.

She smiled then pushed the carriage door open. Closed the door behing her. With swift movements she snuck into the Veritium mansion.

There seemed to be something big happening because all the guards rushed out of the mansion. The panic made it easier for her to get into the mansion while amidst the numerous people going in and out the mansion.

Even though the guards were needed outside the guards in front of the office of the head of Veritium were still much.

It would be impossible to enter the place so she decided to fhe next place to find what she needed; A library.

In a library Roxana found, she looked through the archives, searching for anything that would hint to the Veritium family's plans.

But there was nothing useful anywhere. So this mission seemed to be a fail. However, she was still determined to find out there plans. But for now it was time to implement stage two of her plans.


Fontaine who had rebelled went to the capital in order to reinforce his army. Also because he felt Lante could do nothing to him there.

The grand banquet was tomorrow. It was there that he would assassinate Lante Agriche.

Roxana already caught wind of his plans. "Everything is going according to plan" They were all playing into the palm of her hand. Things were all about to work out for her. "Very soon, you will be destoryed Lante Agriche"

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