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The first time Chengxin realized he was horny was fairly manageable. He already knew what was happening to his body.

He knew he had to endure everything because he would not be able to meet girls. He knew his life as an idol meant that he would never have a chance to explore like a normal boy.

He seemed to have grown much faster than the other members, probably because he was the eldest. So he knew he would just have to endure it.

But he knew Jiaqi was close to him in age, so it wouldn't be long before the same things started to happen him. But he didn't want to seem pushy, so he patiently waited until Jiaqi started to show signs.

When he did, Chengxin waited patiently. He watched him when Jiaqi had no idea that he was watching him. Now at least he had someone he could experience these new feelings with.

It was not as if Chengxin wanted to use Jiaqi, but this was currently the only person in his reach.

When the van pick them up from the practice room so that they could leave, Chengxin made sure to sit next to Jiaqi who was sitting by the window. Jiaqi was abit uncomfortable sitting next to Chengxin whom he had just told about his secret feelings, but he had no way of escape.

When the car started moving, Jiaqi noticed Chengxin put his hand on Jiaqi's thigh.

Jiaqi gulped uncomfortably and looked at Chengxin who had his face forward on the road as if he didn't have his hand on Jiaqi's thighs.

Jiaqi nervously removed Chengxin's thigh then look outside the window. But after some seconds, he felt Chengxin's hand on his thigh once more.

Jiaqi removed it again then looked around at his bandmates who were busy on their cellphones and could not see what was happening between their gès.

When Chengxin once again felt Chengxin's hand, he had had enough. He didnt know what Chengxin was up to but he was feeling uncomfortable. Perhaps Chengxin just wanted to tease him after his confession that time, but it was not funny.

"Zhenyuan, can we exchange seats?" Jiaqi asked Zhenyuan who was sitting in front of them.

"Eh why?" Zhenyuan asked him because he was very comfortable in his seat already.

"I don't like the window, it's cold." Jiaqi answered.

Zhenyuan was abit hesitant but he agreed to exchange seats with Jiaqi. Jiaqi moved quickly and took Zhenyuan's seat, found himself sitting next to Yaxuan who was watching videos on his phone.

Jiaqi was relieved but he felt like Chengxin's eyes were on him. Maybe it was a mistake telling him he felt horny.

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