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~○Your looks○~

You were sitting infront of your work desk in deep thought.

You were quite bored and like a awsome girlfriend you decided to come up with something to annoy springtrap😌👌

You honestly felt bad for annoying springtrap so much so you decided to ignore this and keep being drowned by your thought.

You looked through some random pictures of random people and a few men gave you an idea.

You have never asked micheal about his looks. So it might be a good time now.

You hopped down your chair and walked out of your room and towards the kitchen were your boyfriend was occupied with cooking food.

You looked in the kitchen and saw him cutting som onions probably for a salad.

He was a really good cook so he did must of the cooking and barely let you in the kitchen saying you'll hurt yourself which you always rolled your eyes at that comment.

It honestly felt like you were a baby and springtrap was a mother that kept its child from harm.

You honstly wondered how he behaved with his family. Obviously he wasnt that good with his father after all he had done to him but you didnt want to be a burden about his private life.

You just wanted to know about his looks.

"Micheallllll!" You called out and wrapped your smaller arms around his huge torso and closed your eyes.

"Yes?" He asked still staring at the onions he was cutting into small pieces.

"I was woundering... how did you look like when still being human?" You asked being gentle as possible.

He stopped cutting for a moment before taking the cutting board and pouring the onions into a bowl filled with greens.

"Well I can give you a small description about my looks is that good enought?" He asked while mixing up the salad with a wooden spoon.

You mumbled out a yes and pulled away sitting on a chair putting your full attention on your bunny lover.

"Well I was quite tall.. I was brunette I had blue eyes... I was skinny and well that's all I have to say..." he said putting the wooden spoon in the sink and putting the salad bowl in a corner.

"I guess I can maybe imagine it?" You said looking up in the ceiling trying to imagine how he looked like.

Springtrap dusted his cloths that you bought him.

After you bought him cloths he started wearing them like a normal human and he said it made him more comfortable as well which made you glad.

You gasped with an idea and ran to your room before returning with your laptop.

You gently put your laptop on the dining table and search up Micheals name.

Its should be about since his father was a famous mechanic and worked in the pizzeria.

A few links popped up and you clicked on the pictures and descriptions.

Springtrap came behind you and peaked over your shoulder his eyes following the texts about him and facts.

You looked at a picture of a handsome boy and looked like exactly like how springtrap described.

If you scrolled further you could find his family but you didnt know if he was comfortable enought but curiosity was killing you.

You decided searching it later when Micheal wants around or probably ask for permission.

The facts were about his height weight etc.

You looked up to springtrap to see his sad gaze looking at the old picture of himself probably missing the old him.

You frowned at his expression and closed teh laptop looking deeply at your boyfriend's gaze that looked at the oven where he had put the beef in.

You sighed and pulled him in a hug.

He looked at you before wrapping his arms around your smaller figure.

"You were handsome back then.... but your more handsome now and I would never change anything about you..." you whispered out before you buried your face in his making his mechanics run like crazy.

He mently smiled before picking you up and nuzzling your neck placing a small kiss and looking at you with a soft gaze.

"And this is why I love you..." he whispered out placing a small kiss on your forehead.

You giggled and replied back "I love you too" before pecking him on his withered 'lips'

~○end of one-shot○~

springtrap x reader one-shot (Sequel for mechanical hearts)Where stories live. Discover now