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Waking up early in the morning, I yawn and get up, I splash some fresh puddle water onto my face, I need to find more food and weapons, maybe even find a fraction to join, I silently walk out of my base while looking around for any survivors or zombies nearby, I walk out of the park and look for any houses to loot, I have to be careful tho, the last time I went into a house I was nearly killed by a trap, I learned my lesson, I kick open the door of a house that surprisingly hasn't been raided, I look for any traps or signs of inhabitance, there's rotten food all over the floor, blood on the walls, and lots of alcohol and other signs of abandonment, I pick up all the alcohol and put it into my bag, that will come in useful later if I ever get injured, I keep scavenging the house, I find some tins of beans and a canned stew, I look in the cupboards and find mouldy cookies and eggs, I found some pain killers and paracetamol, I also found some antibiotics, I went up stairs and found some toothpaste and a tooth brush, I also found shampoo and other cleaning products, you need to stay clean, there's no hospitals anymore, infections or illness can kill, I check the rooms and see pictures and toys, must've been a kids room, the clothes are too small for me, but they could be used as bandages, so I rip them up and throw them into my bag, I leave the room and go into another, I see a big family frame on the wall and a king sized bed, must've been the parents room, I look in the cabinets but I find nothing useful, I open the wardrobe and see it's full of adults clothes, I find new pairs of clothes, I decide to take my clothes off and switch them around, I look in the mirror

Waking up early in the morning, I yawn and get up, I splash some fresh puddle water onto my face, I need to find more food and weapons, maybe even find a fraction to join, I silently walk out of my base while looking around for any survivors or zo...

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(The face mask has been on the whole time)
My hair is really long, I need to cut it, but my knife isn't strong enough, thinking about it, I head into the kitchen to see if theirs any knives left, low and behold, there are, razor sharp knifes ranging In size and use, knives for cutting or slicing.

I would've have lived in this house, but it would have been attacked, I prefer my base in the park, me and my friend made it before the apocalypse happened, it's almost as though we knew this would happen, enough reminiscing, i need to leave befor...

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I would've have lived in this house, but it would have been attacked, I prefer my base in the park, me and my friend made it before the apocalypse happened, it's almost as though we knew this would happen, enough reminiscing, i need to leave before this house gets raided, I can hear laughter and gunfire getting closer, I can't fight them without a gun, I could sneak up on them, but it's too risky, I don't kill innocents, I know it sounds stupid, but I still have my morals, I walk out of the house trying to be silent, but a strong gust of wind blows the front door shut, attracting their attention, "hey there's a survivor!"
"Get him!!" You run away quickly and get behind cover, you wait for them to reload before you jump from behind cover and run away as fast as possible, you run around a corner only to be hit across the jaw by a brick, I drop to the floor as my vision fades to black, I'm picked up as I pass out
(Timeskip 1 hour)
I wake up with a noose around my neck and a chair underneath my feet, I try to move my hands but they are tied behind my back, my vision is still blurry and black, I hear a muffled sound of a door opening, a guy walks in with 2 body guards, that stand on either side of him as he walks towards me,"who are you?" He asks with a smirk on his face, "I could ask you the same thing" his smirk drops as he punches you in the stomach, hard, "answer me!"he shouts into your face,"Naraic" you cough, "Naraic" what kind of retarded name is that?" He laughs, his guards joining him, "fuck yourself" you growl at him, he punches you again in the stomach as he smirks again,"your stuff will come in handy" you glare at him, "boohoo cry about it" he laughs again, so you kick him in the stomach hard, knocking him back, "huh pussy", you laugh he gets up and punches you in the face, you didn't notice one of the guards give him a pair of brass knuckles, blood spurts out of your mouth as your head swings to the side, you start rubbing your hands together, trying to loosen the rope, "say goodbye" he snarls as he kicks the chair below you, you fall but the rope catches you, you start to choke and rub your hands together faster as the rope starts to get looser, (the guy and his guards leave)your vision starts to fade as you hear laughter, your fight or flight kicked in, you finally got the rope off and grab the rope, pulling yourself up, you take deep breaths as your vision slowly returns back to normal you manage to get out of the noose and fall to the ground with a thud, you groan and get up, I slowly open the door and walk out, I see a bunch of other survivors hanging on noose as they kick and swing around, you quickly lift one of them off the ground to avoid him from breaking his neck, you put him on your shoulders while you reach up and un tie his hands, he pulls himself out of the noose and falls off your shoulders onto the floor, he starts coughing and wheezing, while he's busy on the floor, you did what you did for that other guy on everyone in the room, he eventually got up and stared helping people get down, there was 12 people hanging in the same room, they were a few feet apart, it was a big room, it couldn't be a house room it's far to big.
Once everyone stops coughing and wheezing you start helping them up, some of them get up on their own," thank you so much for saving us!" One of the guys hugs you, "be quiet, if they hear you they are going to come and investigate, we need to find weapons", some of the survivors grabbed nooses to use as weapons, "is anyone hurt? You ask as you look around the group"  "No" they answer "are you?" One of the female survivors asks you with a look of concern "My jaw may be broken but it's fine, we need to get out of here" "lead the way chief"another survivor says "yeah" all the survivors agree, "ok, let's go, be as quiet as possible", as we walk through the warehouse, we hear voices, "4 guards" 2 survivors say at the same time, "alright  you guys stay on the balcony, whenever you get the chance, hang each one of the guards with the nooses, if you think they are going to escape, let it slack a little and pull it again, don't let them go until they are dead or unconscious" they slowly lower the nooses next to them, they step back into the nooses, the survivors pull them up off the ground, they panic and begin firing their weapons in the air, other than the other one that dropped his weapon, they try to escape but the survivors follow your instructions, they start letting it slack and then pulling again, they do this until they all stop moving, "alright, drop them" they lower them down, "let's go and get their weapons, I'm surprised people haven't came to investigate yet", ""everyone reload" "I can't take it! I'm getting out of here" the survivor panics and runs towards the door, he opens the door and suddenly gets shot by the guards, you fire at the door with your new weapon, it was a pistol, but it's better than nothing, "alright everyone, follow me, I'm getting you all out of here, just don't panic and follow my movements" "wait here" you shut the door and hide beside it, the guards come through only for you to shoot them in their heads, "take their weapons" the 7 survivors that didn't have weapons walk towards the bodies to take their weapons, the 4 survivors that don't have weapons pick up a wrench a crowbar and a the other 2 picked up metal pipes, "alright, let's get out of here, be on high alert, people aren't our only enemies, pick up Anything valuable" you walk with your new team until you hear voices and screaming, you all quickly run in there, gunning down the armed guards, but it was too late, the 2 survivors were dead on the floor, you curse "fuck!" You kick over a chair, your rage is cut off as one of the survivors call you, "hey chief!" "We found the leader!" "Good job pipe guy" go look around, I'll deal with the douche" you say as you glare at him, they push him to the floor and walk out to check the place, "hey dude with the pipe" he looks at you, can I borrow that pipe please?" he hands it to you with a smile "thanks"he nods and walks out "now" you look at him, do you have any other captured survivors? "no" you smash the pipe into his kneecap "FUCK" he screams on the floor in agony, "I don't believe you!" All the captured survivors are put in the same room" he says with tears running down his face, "please don't kill me" you smirk, "cry about it" you quote him as you start to beat him to death with the pipe, all those people slam you would have killed slam your a monster, slam, you kill him by cracking his skull with the pipe, the pipe guy that discovered the boss comes in, hey chief I found all the- *he looks in the room* oh shit, damn dude, you went crazy on his ass, anyways, we've found all the valuables in this place, some of the others are saying they can hear reinforcements coming, this must've been a pretty powerful group" "yeah" he helps you up, "let's go" you all walk out of the base, "holy shit" you say shocked, 2 cars and a motorbike" "shotgun" the pipe dude says as he sits on the motorbike, "fine" you say, "everyone pick a car or bike, the reinforcements will be here any moment!" as you say this a group of 4 cars come into view, "Fuck" one of the survivors shout, "we gotta go now!!" You all get into cars, you get into the drivers seat, "who has the keys?" "Me" a timid female survivor says as she quickly hands them to you, "their getting closer" "fuck" "panik" "were gunna die" "GOO" you finally get the car started and floor it, the other survivors sticking close, the reinforcements start shooting at you "THIS IS AWESOME" the pipe guy screams as he's swerving side to side to avoid the bullets, but one hits him in the back of his shoulder, "OW IM HURT, IM VERY MUCH HURT" "provide cover fire" you yell as the survivors start shooting at the reinforcements, they kill one of the drivers causing him to slump to the side, making him steer into his teammate, making them fall off the road and roll over "2 more" the female yells as she fires at the shooter, hitting him once in the shoulder and then in the head, "nice shot" you smile as she blushes slightly "try and hit the driver" another survivor says" " I'm out" she pulls out her clip "shit" "everyone fire" they all start shooting, your car gets hit a few times, and the tire was bursted, eventually the enemy car blows up, knocking the other car off the road, you all cheer and continue driving to your base "it's going to be a little cramp, but we should be just fine"
Pipe dude driving up to the window, "hey!" "I found this backpack!" " has a dragon on it!" You look at him "that's mine!" "Oh" "shit" "sorry chief" "it's all good" " I want it back though" "fine" he huffs like a child, "we will sort this out back and base"
30 minutes later
"Are we there yet?" Pipe guy asks for the hundredth time "yes we are" you say with a sigh, you have to sit down, your jaw hurts and you have a headache, "how much food do we have" "we didn't find any" the timid girl says shyly, "what about the other car?" You say looking at the others, they haven't got any, "FUCK" you slam your hand into the steering wheel "wassup chief?" Pipe guy asks as you park the car in the base, "we only have the food in my bag, there's only enough for 3 people"
"He looks at you" did you check the trunk?" "No" "well, do it then" you glare at him as you open the trunk, a bag full of food sits in the centre next to boxes of Ammo that's useless for the weapons you've got, only 2 machine guns 4 pistols, the knives you found earlier and the wrench the crowbar and the pipes.
"Where did all this come from?" "I found it while you were murdering that boss guy"
The fact that you said that with a smile is really unsettling, the black guy says with a concerned look, pipe guy just laughed, we will start cooking some food for the group, 3 of the survivors say" "what are your names?" "Emily", "Jackson" "Charlotte",
"Everyone else?" I'm- " shut up, your names pipe guy and that's final"
"Ryan", "Jessie","Sophie, the timid girls says shyly", "Connor", "Lewis", "DJ the black guy smiles" "Joel"
Alright, who wants the night shift?, "I will" Joel, Sophie and Ryan offer as they get up, "alright thanks guys"
"Everyone else just relax and wait for food to be done, we will sort out our weapons and other supplies later"
"Shit pipe guy are you alright?" You turn around and see Connor checking out a bullet hole in pipes guys back, "pipe come here, take off the bag and sit down" "no" you glare at him "fine" *he sits down*
You open your bag and get some of the ripped up clothes to use as bandages you then take out some alcohol to stop any possible infections, you wrap the cloth around his shoulder, the bleeding had already stopped,
"Dude you look pale" DJ says with a look of concern, "when did you get hit?" When we were getting chased by those dicks in the car"
"You need to eat and rest, your lucky you haven't died of blood loss" "don't worry about it, my family has lots of blood, we always get hurt", "that makes no sense" "Blame it on the blood loss" he says before passing out, keep an eye on him, make sure he eats and has lots of fluids" you say as you lie down
"Goodnight guys"
3 people need to switch with Ryan, Sophie and Joel"
"We will" Jackson charlotte and Lewis say
"Alright get some rest or eat, see yas tomorrow"
"Today was a good day"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2021 ⏰

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