The beginning of the end?

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"Yolanda? Yolanda? I am so so sorry! I didn't mean to kiss you, I just, needed to feel...I don't even know. I can't even explain myself to you..." Michael mumbled.He had his hand over his mouth so Yolanda couldn't see most of his face. He was totally embarrassed of his actions. Mind you, his jaw is still wired shut from the incident between him and Lisa. "It's okay Michael, I swear. Don't beat yourself up over this. I know why you did what you did, and I don't mind...anything to help you out during this difficult time. Even if I have to kiss you to make you feel better." Yolanda giggled. Just in, Janet pulled up into the the yard. Michael freaked out.

"Look, Janet has 'super powers'. She can sense when something has happened and she can see through lies unless they are told perfectly...If your body language shows that something went down between the two of us, then she's gonna keep grilling you until she milks every bit of information out of you, understood?" Michael said. Yolanda smiled and nodded her head. "I got you Michael." Yolanda whispered. Janet knocked on the door and Yolanda went to open it. "Hey future sister in-law, how's it going girl? Where's Michael?" Janet smiled. Yolanda blushed. "Uh, he's in the kitchen, I just blended his food for him." She said nervously.Janet raised one eyebrow and giggled. "Is everything okay here Yolanda?" Janet asked. Yolanda froze.

*~Yolanda's POV~*




DAMMIT! THIS IS WHAT MICHAEL WAS TRYING TO PREPARE ME FOR! Janet is about to milk me for information! How can she tell that something's wrong?! I'm showing no signs! I'm not sweating and I don't look nervous! I'm doing everything that Michael told me to do, but she still knows that something is up...damn she's good...

Janet snapped twice in Yolanda's face. "Hey baby girl, are you alright? Did something happen here?" Janet smirked. Yolanda shook her head. "No Janet, the only thing wrong is that we're still in here while Michael is all in the kitchen by his lonesome!" Yolanda said as she hurried of to the kitchen with Janet. Michael was sitting at the table sipping blended fruit through a straw. "Hi dunk!" Michael mumbled happily. Janet's jaw dropped. "Hey Michael...Alright you two, tell me the truth. Did some shit happen before I got here?" She smirked. Michael quickly recovered his face. "No Dunk, damn!" She said sort of annoyed. "Damn Michael, no need to get all angry! I was just hoping that my assumption was incorrect, but apparently, it isn't." Janet said playing serious.

Michael's big eyes met with hers. "What assumption?" Michael asked confused. Janet smiled. "That you were a cross-dresser." She joked. Michael let out an adorable giggle. "What in the living hell? Why would you think that?!" He asked. He dropped his hand and Yolanda almost died. "Hm. Maybe it's the fiery red lipstick that's on your lips that hinted me off? That color looks great on you too by the way." Janet said while rolling her eyes. Michael took his finger and dabbed his bottom lip. "Ahh shit..." Michael whispered. "Don't worry Michael, I won't tell mommy you're out having premarital sex." Janet smiled. "WE DID NOT HAVE SEX!" Michael mumbled loudly. Yolanda blushed. She was speechless. She couldn't bear the thought of having sex with Michael. It's not like she didn't want to, I mean, who doesn't? But she didn't think that someone of such a high caliber like Michael to want a girl like her in that way. Janet continued to taunt Michael about having sex with Yolanda. She was acting like the younger sister that she was. "You're lying to me Michael! I'm gonna tell mom!" She yelled. She kicked off her heels and ran out of the kitchen to get to the phone laughing loudly. "STOP PLAYIN' JANET! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!...I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" He yelled as he ran after her.

Yolanda face palmed herself and sat at the table. "My God. I'm living every Moonwalkers dream. I've spent the night in Neverland, laid in Michael's bed, and I kissed him! Well, he kissed me. But it was out of pure desperation. Depression does that to people..." She said to herself as she twiddled her thumbs together on the table. While she was sitting quietly at the table, Michael marched back in the kitchen with Janet thrown across his shoulder, insuring that she wouldn't be able to reach the phone. "Okay Michael, Okay! Put me down! I won't tell mommy I promise,gosh!" Janet fussed while punching Michael in his back. Michael placed her back on the floor and ran his fingers through his hair. "Now, don't you two have somewhere to go?" Michael asked while playfully rolling his eyes at Janet. "Yes Joseph. I'm taking Yolanda to get some more clothes from her house, then we're gonna hit the mall, and then I'm taking her to dinner. My treat...well, your treat." Janet said smiling. Michael raised a brow at her. "Whatchu mean by that?" Michael asked. Janet held out her hand. Michael playfully sucked his teeth and gave Janet his bank card that was in his wallet. "Here. You make your own money Janet, so therefore this card is for Yolanda's use only." Michael said. He shot Yolanda a warm smile. Yolanda gasped.

"No Michael, I-I can't do that! I make a decent amount, I can fend for myself. Thank you so much, I just can't take it!" Yolanda said. Michael gave her a look. "Take it. You've done so much for me and the least I can do is treat you to nice things...I would go out and buy them myself, but I don't know what you like and what you don't like. Plus, I don't wanna be in the spotlight like this..." He pointed to his tightly clenched jaw. Yolanda took the card from Janet's hand and looked at it in disbelief. It was shiny and black. "Thank you so much Michael! I promise I won't over spend." She said sweetly. Michael shook his head, causing his dark curls to fall into his face. "No no no, spend as much as you need and as much as you want. It's not like it's gonna break me." He smiled. Janet looked at Yolanda and winked. "Let's go girl!" Janet said dragging Yolanda towards the door. "Oh, and when we get in the car, you might wanna fix your lipstick babe." She said. "Have a good time!" Michael smiled. Janet and Yolanda left.

Michael watched out the window until he saw Janet's car exit Neverland gates. Michael then walked upstairs. "I deserve some sleep..." Michael yawned. He sprawled across the bed and a few minutes later, he was sound asleep.

"Goodmornin' babe." Michael said as he rolled out of bed. "Mornin' cutie pie." Yolanda replied. Michael and Yolanda got up and took a shower together, as usual. They got dressed, and Michael went and woke up their 3 children. They all then went to the kitchen for breakfast. Yolanda grabbed her crowded tummy and picked up her 2 year old baby girl to put her in her high-chair to be fed."Yolanda? how are you baby girl?" Michael asked , kissing her soft, plump, lips. "I'm doin' fine Michael, I just feel like I'm gonna pop!" Yolanda giggled. She was 8 months pregnant, with her and Michael's daughter on her hip. Michael was hand and hand with one of their 5 year old twins, and one was on his back. "I love you so much Yolanda...words can't describe how much I've longed for you. How much I've longed for your skin to touch mine. How badly I wanted to create a huge family with you, and I'm finally living my dreams. I'm finally happy! You give me a feeling that no other woman has ever given me since I started dating! You make me happy Yolanda. You don't care about the money and the cars and fancy clothes. You care about making me happy and that's why I love you, so very much..." Michael was leaning in for a kiss...

*Riiiiiing! Riiiiiiiing! Riiiiiiiiing!*

"Uh? What?! Ahh shit! Who is this?!" Michael fussed as he rolled over to answer the phone. "Hello?" He said sweetly. "Michael. Michael Joseph Jackson..." The person on the other line said. "Yeah, this is he, who is this?" Michael asked. The person on the other line let out a hardy laugh. "I'm the beginning of the end of your career, bitch." The man said. Michael hung up the phone and rolled over on the bed. His curls sprawled out all over the pillow. "Dammit Lisa...I'm over this shit..." Michael said as he laid back down. "That dream felt kinda...real..." Michael smiled and bit his lip. He groaned and went back to sleep.

~Yay! An update!


~Janet and Michael's sibling-ship is ADORABLE.

~Who is this mystery man?

XOXO Moonwalker_234

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