The battle has just begun

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It's been three days since news surfaced that Michael Joseph Jackson was being accused of child molestation. Such lies. Such bullshit. Michael and Yolanda knew who was responsible, but, if they tried to tell the media that his pregnant Ex-fiance was behind all of this, it would just make him look worse and it would just make him look like a desperate man trying to clean his slate by putting dirt on someone else. Michael has been nothing more than a depressed mess. He would only talk to certain people. Janet, his mother, Yolanda, and his best friend Hanan. Hanan lived about 4 hours away from the ranch and she would always visit when she could. She hasn't visited Michael in little over six months, but she had called to assure him that she would be there very soon. Yolanda was concerned about Michael and so was Annie. Michael wouldn't eat anything Annie made for him, not even cookies! He hasn't left his room, and he can't sleep alone. He's started having nightmare every night but he will never explain what he dreams about, and the phone has been ringing off the hook and he won't answer it. He's just going downhill physically, mentally, and spiritually.

"Michael, you've gotta get up! Did you shower today?" Yolanda asked. Michael nodded his head yes and sighed. "Did you change your arm bandages?" She asked him, crossing her arms. Michael nodded once again. "Did you eat?" Michael looked at her and slowly rolled his eyes. "No Yolanda, damn! I haven't eaten for the past three days! Anything else you wanna ask me?! SHIT!" Michael snapped. Yolanda tilted her head. "First of all, Michael, I'm sorry that all of this is happening to you, really I am, but you gotta realize that I'm here to help you, not hurt you. I'm taking of from work to take care of YOU in YOUR time of need! Don't you dare snap at me and all I want to do is insure that you take care of yourself! But that's cool. It's fine. If I'm annoying you, I'll pack my shit and leave. I don't want to add more stress to an already broken soul. Nice meeting you Mr.Jackson." Yolanda said as she left from his room and walked to the guest room to pack her things. Michael quickly followed behind her. "No! No Yolanda, please...I can't take losing someone else right now...I'm sorry for what I said! It's just that...It's just..." Michael paused and fell to his knees, crying softly. His hands shaking as they found their way to cradle his tear stained face.  Yolanda got on her knees infront of him and moved his hands from his face.

"I loved her...I gave her all of my spare time...I gave her my heart and my all and she goes and does this to me? And for what? Huh? What did I do? She cheated on ME not the other way around! Why am I paying the price for her decisions Yolanda? It isn't fair..." Michael said. He was a wreak. Annie walked in and saw Michael crying. "Baby boy...oh my poor Michael...look, today is the start of a new day. You can't keep getting down like this Michael! Can't you see! This is what she wants! She wants to see you hurt! Trust me, I am a woman and I've seen and been through somethings Michael. Listen to me, no matter how bad it hurts, smile. Your smile will hurt her worse than any punch you can throw at her! Now get up and lets get you to your room and Yolanda is gonna make sure you eat what I'm about to cook for you...every bite you understand me? I want the old Michael back!" Annie said as she helped Michael's somewhat weak frame off the floor. "C'mon Mike." They got Michael back to his bed and he sat on the edge. Annie left out to go prepare Michael something to eat. Yolanda sat beside him and got a good look at Michael. He was a broken soul he was slowly giving up on everything and everyone. Michael didn't say a word, he just laid his head on Yolanda's shoulder and closed his weary eyes. Then, Janet walked into the room. Apparently, she had just gotten there. "Brother?" She said with tears in her eyes. Michael opened his eyes and quickly sat up. "Janet!" Michael cried out. Yolanda excused herself from the room to give them privacy.

Michael buried his face Into Janet's shoulder and wept. She held him tight and rocked with him in her arms. "Ssssh, calm down Michael, please, it's gonna be okay...nothing but a complete fool with believe this bullshit okay?" Janet said. Michael began to cough uncontrollably and Janet rubbed his back. "Look, you can't do this to yourself! You're my strong big brother and refuse to sit back and watch you fade way!" Janet said as she broke the hug to look into Michael's eyes. "When Annie brings that food up here, you're gonna eat every bit of it, do you understand me?" Janet demanded. "Alright." Michael sniffed like a little child. She rubbed Michael's back until Annie came upstairs with a cup of blended  veggie stew. Mind you, Michael's jaw is still wired shut. "Thank you Annie." Michael mumbled as he took the cup and managed to crack a faint smile. Annie smiled and left the room. Janet watched Michael to make sure that he drank every bit of the stew. About 20 minutes later, Yolanda came upstairs clearly upset and came into the room. "Janet,  I need you please..." Yolanda growled in anger. Michael raised an eyebrow at Janet as she quickly walked out into the hall and closed Michael's room door. "What's wrong?" Janet asked. Yolanda took a deep breath. "Don't go crazy on me okay...but somehow, Lisa bypassed security, and is downstairs RIGHT FUCKING NOW! THIS BITCH IS CRAZY!" Yolanda whisper-yelled. Janet took off her heels and ran downstairs, Yolanda tried to catch her before she ran, but Janet was just too fast.

"What the fuck are you doing here bitch! You did this shit to my fucking brother?! HOW LOW CAN YOU GO BITCH! HE DOESN'T WANT YOU ANYMORE BITCH! GET THAT THROUGH YA THICK ASS SKULL!" Janet screamed. Yolanda came up infront of Janet and held her back. "No Janet, not now, she's pregnant! We don't wanna hurt the baby! That could be Michael's!" Yolanda said. "THE BITCH IS A WHORE! THAT BABY IS PROBABLY GONNA COME OUT FULLY WHITE BECAUSE OF THAT BROKE BASTARD SHE WAS WITH AT THE RESTAURANT THAT DAY! DO YOU SPIT OR SWALLOW BITCH!?" Janet yelled. "HOW DARE YOU!" Lisa fussed back. Michael heard all the commotion and hurried downstairs to see what was wrong. "Janet? Yolanda? What is go-...Lisa? What are you doing in my house? How do you keep getting passed security?!" Michael said. Lisa stepped up to him and got right in his face. "You call yourself dangerous but I've proven to be more of a threat than you'll ever be..." She said. Michael then lifted up his hand and caught himself. He was about to strike her with his fist! "See what I tell you? You're weak Michael! And that's why I keep fucking with you, because I  know I can get away with it...but don't worry, this madness can all come to an end if you just take me back and get rid of this fat bitch over here..." Lisa said, crossing her arms. "DON'T TALK ABOUT HER LIKE THAT! SHE'S MORE OF  A WOMAN THAN YOU'LL EVERY FUCKING BE!" Michael fussed. Lisa laughed. "And as for you Janet, don't you ever call me a whore in your life you worthless piece of-..." Lisa started but her words were cut off my a quick left jab to her jaw delivered by Janet. Lisa grabbed her face and laughed as blood spilled from her mouth.

"PREGNANT OR NOT BITCH, I'M GONNA HAVE MY DAY ALONE WITH YOU, BETTER BELIEVE THAT!" Janet yelled as Yolanda held her back. Lisa walked towards the door and smiled. "Oh and Michael, there's a special segment coming on tonight...on the news...I suggest you watch'll see some familiar faces in it..." Lisa laughed.

"OH! and one more thing...I hope you like taking pictures..." Lisa laughed as she left the house. 

~Michael is broken!

~Can you guess the mystery man's identity yet?

~What is Lisa talking about?

~Is the baby really Michael's?

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