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"did you take everything? your toothbrush? your retainer? walkman?"

For the whole ride from home to the bus station y/n's mother kept asking questions,worried about the safety of the daughter.
It's true that her mom wasn't really there for her for a big amount of time,but now that her father has passed away,she had the knowledge that her daughter needed her more than anything.
They stayed together for two weeks catching up on all the lost time and mostly mourning.

"Yes mom don't worry,and even if i forget something i will call you and you will bring it to me right?" y/n answered smiling innocently, trying to hide how anxious her mother made her.

"Okay honey. Please be safe"

" I will mom. You don't have to worry about me,you know that i can take care of myself perfectly" y/n said slightly annoyed.

"i know darling" her mother said parking the car near the bus station.
she turned around toward y/n ,sighed and hugged her tightly. 
"Please remember that you are aloud to have fun honey".
Her mom whispered in her ear, knowing  that because of her father, y/n would have felt guilty if she laughed, smiled or had any sort of fun.

"Yes mom i know that."
deep down tho,she thought she needed to mourn forever and felt slightly bad , but she knew that her dad would have wanted for her just happiness.

"i love you." y/n continued before to get out of the car and walk towards the bus.


she took a deep breath and she got into the bus expecting to see a happy ziggy or a smiley cindy,instead she found a couple of sunnyvalers sitting in the front seats. apparently she was early.

what if they get in and don't recognise her?
what if they won't care at all and sit afar from her?
she decided to stop thinking and she sat in the back,taking  her beloved walkman to entertain herself with some music, while she was waiting for everyone to get into the bus.

She ended up falling asleep and woke up because of a bunch of noises.
Some people got on the bus and  between all the voices,she recognised her laugh.
She was there.
Ziggy was there.
Each one of them was there.

She breath deeply before to stand up and walk towards ziggy's sit
"Is this sit taken?" y/n asked smiling pointing to the empty sit near the redhead girl.
Ziggy turned around to face the speaking girl.
She looked so different, her hair was long and she looked so grown up.
Her expression showed a mix of surprise,confusion,happiness,exitment.
Everything hit her in the same moment and she didn't know how to act.
The only thing that came out her mouth was "y/n?",with a visibly confused and amazed expression. Y/n smiled and nodded,looking hella exited too.
"OH MY GOD" ziggy said in pure exitment,just before  jumping  on her missed best friend and holding her in  a tight and long hug full of emotions. For at least 5 times she got away from the hug and looked at her friend in disbelief just to hug her again. Behind ziggy were sitting cindy and thomas while on the other side there were joan and gary.
All of them,hearing ziggy's voice getting loud,turned around to see what was happening.
All her friends looked at  eachother and then at her confused. they stayed silent for a while waiting for any sign of it being real
"Did you guys miss me?" y/n asked.
"OH MY GOD COME HERE" cindy said,hugging y/n and slowly everyone else did the same.

After the exitment of the moment y/n sat near ziggy and explained to everyone why she was there.
A bunch of "i'm sorry for your loss" and "my condolences" came out of her friend's mouths, she thanked and then she catched up with all of them as much as she could.
More they talked and more she realised of how stupid her previous thoughts were.
They didn't forget her.
She felt pure happiness for the first time in a while.

DISCLAIMER: i know that the walkman wasn't invented yet

AUTHOR NOTE: i hate this chapter sm.  i wrote it badly know. i hope u still do like the story tho :)) in the next chapter you will officially meet our "lover boy".‼️ tell me if  i said anything wrong so i can correct it ‼️
have a great day!!

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