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"y/n here you are"
ziggy said loudly almost yelling
"yeah well we are not roomies"
"can't we do anything about it?"
ziggy said clearly frustrated about the news
"i really don't think so. I tried to use my techniques of persuasion on kurt like i used to but i guess they do not work anymore. And when i thought they would have been helpful"
Ziggy smiled at the friend feeling relieved about the nonchalance of the girl making her feel less sad about the cabin situation.
"oh trust me he has changed since u have left. Aw it's like he missed you"
ziggy joked
"ziggy that's disgusting he is 18"
"you act like that's such a big deal you are 16 not that much of a difference"
ziggy said continuing the joke she has started.
"ziggy i thought you were joking are you serious?"
y/n said genuinely concerned about the friend.
"y/n come on it's like you don't understand my humour anymore"
"i mean i'm not gonna lie kurt is kinda hot. looks like the type of guy that would have rough sex with you"
ziggy said grossed out.
"now you are the one that is being disgusting"
"ziggy come on it's like you don't understand my humour anymore"
y/n said mocking her friend.
they both chuckled.
"wait what were we even talking about"
the redhead said
"oh the whole roommate situation"
"oh right"
ziggy said turning now annoyed again
"bitch come on it's not the end of the world. We will spend just the night and like a few hours in the morning in our cabins,for the rest of the time we will be together doing some crazy shit to make this summer memorable. And i don't think it's prohibited to stay in each other's cabins. You could even sleep with me in my bed sometimes. This bullshit is not gonna ruin our summer"
The blue eyes of the girl felt now more relaxed and her lips has formed now a satisfied smile.
"yeah okay you are right. What am i even getting al worked up on. I don't even know who my roommate is yet they could be fun or hot who knows"
y/n locked surprised
"You have intention to have relationships this summer?"
"of course i am. Life is too short for trying to be the perfect innocent girl"
"well that's not what you thought two years ago"
the redhead now looked at her friend smirking
"well i am just following all of your advices"
y/n smiled.


Y/n has just returned from nick's cabin and was visibly a mess.
"oh u nasty person"
ziggy said as soon as she saw her friend entering the door.
"bitch shut up it was just first base. I know i want to have fun but jesus i'm just 14 years old"
ziggy now looked at the friend with a curious look
"so what happened?"
y/n looked at her shoes,visibly embarrassed
"you know the regular. we just made out"
ziggy looked at the friend kind of frustrated
"y/n you have been having this little adventure with nick for like now two months and in all of these days and weeks you just hinted me about your situation. You know that i need the details. Don't be a bitch and hand them over"
she said sitting tapping on her bed hinting to the friend to sit on it.
y/n sighed and sat in front of the friend getting in a conftarble position like the redhead.
"well i think i really like him ziggy."
she breathed out
"We have been going out for a lot now and he is just so breathtaking.
I don't even know how to explain the feelings i have when i am with him.
I don't think is love because maybe that's too far,but he is just so perfect"
ziggy looked at her like she was mesmerised by her world,wishing she had that with someone,but too stubborn and shy to even try
"What type of relationship you have tho like is it just making out sessions and shit or more?"
y/n smiled
"No it's way more.
He is so thoughtful and genuinely cares about me you know.
Wich at first to me was surprising because i thought he just regularly flirted with everyone but i don't think i'm anyone to him ziggy.
We do a bunch of really stupid things that make me the happiest.
For example the other night i went to his cabin and lucas wasn't there,so he put music on and we danced and i don't know ,the way he was holding me was just so thoughtful like he was trying to be careful and not hurt me in the slightest.
Or whenever he kisses me is like i feel something in my stomach and it's not butterflies like everyone says it is.
It's like i'm genuinely in another dimension where there is only him"
y/n said taking a breath between a sentence and the other.
"y/n i might actually tear up. This is like the most beautiful shit ever"
"I wish i could tell you about everything we do and how i feel but it's not even like important stuff.
You know those little things that make you happy? Well it's like that."
y/n said before looking at her bracelet with now a serious face
"what's wrong?"
ziggy said noticing about the sudden change of mood of the friend.
"you know that nick wants this to be a secret right? at first it was fun and exiting but now it's almost like he is embarrassed to be seen with me in public and what if i'm just not enough for him?"
"y/n don't ever say that. You are more then enough. talk about this with him if you really care about it"
ziggy said petting her leg
y/n looked at the friend again with a smile on her face.
"ziggy but seriously we are teenagers. We are supposed to have fun."
the redhead looked at the friend with a confused face
"what do you mean by that"
"i mean that you should go out with me more and have fun instead of rereading the shining for the fourth time in a row. The only exiting thing you did with me this summer was smocking joan's pot. so suck it up and leave a little"
ziggy looked at the friend clearly annoyed about her words
"you have told me the same thing a dozen of times already. I just don't want to socialise with people you know that"
"socialising sometimes is a necessity and you know it. I am just saying that you should have a little bit of fun that's all"
"i know what you mean y/n but maybe in a year i will"
ziggy said trying to avoid the conversation.
"well okay then what do you wanna do now?"
"well i think there is the new Laverne & Shirley episode now on tv"
ziggy said like she was waiting all day long for that
"alright then"
y/n said now sitting next of her friend that was opening the tv.

end of flashback


AUTHOR NOTE: okay so this is the longest chapter i have done so far. yes there are a few of cuss words and mention of sex don't shame me for that🙄🙏 there will be w lot of sexual jokes just cuz i have the humour of w 8th grader and i'm sorry about that 😔
also lucas is a random name that si supposed to be nick's roommate at that time. always remember to correct me whenever i'm wrong so i can change it. Hope u liked this and have a great day <33

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