Chapter 3- Arguments and Fights

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A/N to clear up a few things, yes there were phones in the 1950's just not the advanced types that we have now)

Noah's Pov: I felt my blood beginning to to boil and the blood in my temples began to throb vigorously . " Stilinski! We are going back to Greece! I forgot something"  I shouted at my pilot. in a split second, we got into the air craft and headed to Greece to give Dixie's motherfucking father a piece of my mind! How dear he have the audacity to hurt my future wife? Does he have no respect for his wife or daughter? I wanted to hurt him, hurt him bad. Some may say that I'm taking revenge on him for hurting my future wife but I'd say 'It's just a favor in return' 

Hours later, I arrived at the D'amelio's and was ready to fight. I barged trough the door not letting anyone open it for me and bolted to the living room where they were all sitting, conversing. "Hello Prince Noah, how can we help you?" Heidi said. Raging with anger I didn't care to answer. Picking up the bastard, Marc by his shirt collar, I growled, "You. How dare you hurt my future wife." "I-I-I" "Don't give me that 'I-I-I' bullshit bloody hell! How dare you lay hands on her. Do you not know how to treat a woman? Is this the way you treat your wife! Furthermore, do you understand that abuse is a crime!" My knuckles were going white so I dropped him to the floor." "Marc, is this true?" Heidi asked "Ye-ye-yes" he admitted. I ordered the security to take him away and I stormed off. 

I got back on the plane and the next day I arrived back at my palace.  

Short chapter, I have no motivation because I just got diagnosed with anxiety so fun right! 

Word Count: 319 

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