A tragic beginning to a greater ending

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I woke up this morning to the smell of bacon and eggs downstairs as I went into the bathroom, brushing my teeth then looking at the calendar. "It's already the end of the year?" I stammered and sighed, I still don't know if going to that school is the right choice... I thought as I walked down the stairs seeing my mom with plates in front of her.

"Hey mom"
Mom: "hey sweetie!I made breakfast for you today, since you'll be leaving soon" I sat down in the chair.
"mom...I'm still not sure if I really wanna go to a school like that and leave you here alone..." I worried.
Mom: "I'll be fine, I can handle myself pretty well ya know" she assured me but I still felt like I was leaving a big responsibility behind.
"Fine...I'll go to the school if you want mom" I eat my food
Mom: "I would love for you to go, but it feels like I'm pressuring you to go now...if this is what you want then I'm happy! but if it's not that's fine as well"
"Thanks mom but I promise i want to go and I will go" I assured her.
Mom: "alright that's great hunny and when your finished eating that, we need more Food for Luna and the rest. If they are coming with you to your school you need all the food you can get, at least with luna"
"Ok got it mom" I smiled
Mom: "Great" she said and kissed my forehead before grabbing her plate and leaving.

I finished, went to get dressed with a casual baggy shirt and pants then headed to the store. Because why the hell would I dress up? I wanna be comfy. Luna wanted to come with me so I let her come, walks are more fun with Luna tho she's terrified of people sometimes, and I never knew why. As I reach closer and closer to the store my mom texted me to hurry home because it was getting dark, but her last text was weird and kinda unsettling...it read: "hurry back! Please!"

I went into the store and coming out after paying for the ingredients, trying to hurry back like the text said. It was darker then I had expected, how much time did I spend in there? I sighed running back trying not to get caught in the night, I hate to admit it...but I hate the dark because it makes me uncomfortable. As we got closer to the house, and as it got darker faster, Luna was acting weird...almost as if she had seen a ghost, she kinda acted the way she acts when I walk past certain people. I looked around and noticed that there were weird black things just floating in the air. Really weird for this to be happening...am I on drugs..? I have to be on something here...

I came to the door as my fox pulled on my leg. "Don't go it's dangerous" I bent down petting her. "Luna I'm sure there is nothing wrong, plus's moms in there. She'll kill us if we don't let her know we're here" I turn around and opened the door unfortunately seeing the horrible sight in front of me, my mom, fighting some creature and losing. She's badly hurt and looks like she'll drop at any minute. The creature had blue flames scratching at my moms flesh as she bleeds and winch in pain. My eyes widens, and I dropped the bags in my hands and covered my mouth. My body refused to move the way I wanted it to as I was paralyzed with fear, I stepped back and the creature snapped his head my way. I looked right into those darken eyes as it ran towards me, I was sure I was a goner and I was gonna die right there but- I didn't want to die.

Move...Move! I yelled at myself MOVE!!! PLZ MOVE!!!!! I screamed internally at myself again and lifted both my hands up to protect myself. It got really close and I shut my eyes when- nothing happened....I didn't feel no pain or anything. I slowly opened my eyes my vision focusing. It was Luna, and she's huge! And I was- glowing?! My whole body and Luna both had purple fire around them. The beast and Luna Exchange blows which seemed to go on forever and ever but in the end Luna ended up winning and going back to original size a bit beaten up but ok. More demons were coming in so I grabbed the twin blade on the wall as an attempt to fight for my life. I wasn't gonna just lay down and die here. "Nooo, dont unleash your power! It's too dangerous!" My mom yelled but I didn't know what she was saying. Power? What power? It's just two blades..and I refuse to die without a fucking fight! I opened the blades despite her protest and was engulfed in purple flame. It didn't burn, it felt powerful...I felt powerful for once.

I used the blades to fend off the demons. Once the Demons were gone I had to sit down, it's too much to process....m-my fox, t-the demons, t-the swords, m-my mom....it was too much and my head was getting dizzy.... m-my mom...? Mom..? MOM?! I jolted up realizing my mom was hurt and rushed to her side. She was losing blood, a lot of it, too much in fact...I saw doctors on tv do it so I would put pressure on the wounds, the gashes were huge... my stomach barely kept my food down, as I pushed. She gasped for air and winched in pain.

Mom: "y/n..." She said weakly
"y-yes mom I'm here, e-everything's gonna be ok" I tried convincing both her and me of that.. I looked at my mom noticing she drifting asleep, and I held her head up trying to keep her awake
"mom... mom! Come on, stay with me... plz... stay with me!" I was panicking, screaming, and hurting...my mom was dying in front of me!! I grabbed the phone and called the cops, but what was I supposed to say..? Hey, my mom is fucking dying because she was fighting a god damn demon?!

Mom: "G-go to the school...l-live...your life..." she struggled to say
"I-I will but when we get you patched up ok, and please don't say it like your not going to survive... i need you mama...I can't lose you.." My eyes widened as another demon came in, but I had already threw my weapons to the side like a fucking idiot!!

Mom: "r-run! Grab the swords and fucking run!" She did some hand signs and the fire from the firmest grew bigger, I ran out the back door huffing and clenching my sword with my fox beside me. The entire house engulfed in flame and I just watched...I watched as everything I've ever known burned down to the ground... My whole life came crashing down all at once... I couldn't stand anymore, not after everything that has happened. I fell back eyes wide. Too much going on and no one to help me... so I cried. I didn't say anything and didn't answer any questions from the people who called my phone, I just cried and cried and cried....It was to the point that My mom was reported as a missing person, and who reported it? My auntie, the one person who hated me the most....and now she has more of a reason to come an antagonize me. I had buried moms ashes and as I sat at her grave putting flowers there. My aunt walked up with 2 of my cousins behind her.

Aunt: "Where is my sister?"
"Dead..." I whispered
Aunt: "What was that?"
"I said she's dead!" I said louder as I hold back my tears "here is her grave...not that you care.." My aunts eyes widened in disbelief
"s-she can't be..." she started crying kneeling on her grave
"she did everything she could to protect me...I was there when she died...." I said and my aunt stood up looking my way.
"N-no I didn't-" before I could finish she slapped me.
Aunt: "I told that idiotic girl not to raise a demon child!" She was furious yet sad, but this was nothing knew...she always called me a demon child, and after tonight I might actually believe her, I don't know what the hell happedn and I feel cursed somehow...but I wasn't gonna let her know she was getting to me.

"I'm not a demon child."
Aunt: "you have to be, all your life you bring nothing but trouble"

"Well, that's not a story for me to tell now is it." She wiped her tears "oh and you might want to hide what you are from everyone else, your tail is showing" she walked away. T-tail?! I thought as I ran upstairs. I've never been so confused In my life...what was that thing? What did my mom do? Why was this happening to me...?Questions kept poking at me until Luna rubbed against me, I only had luna left. she was by me and comforted me, I looked back at my bed to see my phone and the necklace my mom gave me, putting it on and clutching it "Im finding out what's going on... and what that thing was"

HOPE YOU ENJOYED!!! Now I know what your thinking, isn't this supposed to be ren x reader? Well yes, you guys will meet next chapter so please be patient and please I would love to see what constructive criticism you guys have so I can make my story better, sense it's my first time and I hope you have a great day ❤️ currently on 1701 words! goodbye my birds- sore as high as you can~✌🏾✌🏾

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2023 ⏰

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