Chapter 5, I've been spying

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So their fate is in a young, foolish girls' hands? I almost feel bad for them. Seems as though they'll die soon. It's laughable. I've been spying on her. She seems frail and soft, but she also seems very old and composed. I can see into her soul, she is very old, about 270,000 as far as I can see. I'm way older than she is, I'm 79,987,797. She has the appearance of a beautiful young girl, I remember her looking like that in all her past lives too, but older. Well, they come and they go. They live and they die. This is humanity's last chance to survive.

Or die.

If she dies in her last life, this one, the world ends. Well, their world. By "their" I mean humans. I am a demon. I reside in hell, but I visit humans sometimes. Mostly to visit Aron. He knows everything about the nine lives, and so does that blond idiot, Luke.

Did I introduce who I am? If not, I'm not sorry. My name is Jacob. 

##### screwed up every life. I expect her to screw up again. Why? Because she's been asinine, naive, childish, dotish, and weak in all of her lives. All she had was her pretty face. I'll bet that she still relies on that.

And I do not approve of that imprudent wrench. Not at all. Can't the fate of their beloved world be in someone else's hands? Not that I care. It's just that some of them will be taking up MY space in hell after they die. It's damn well crowded enough as it is. A demon needs his space. Do you know how many people come in here an hour? I'm in Aron's house right now, hiding because I killed a cop earlier. Cops are always after me, because in my human form, or disguise, whatever you want to call it, I'm a wanted criminal for murder and grand theft.  Aron's asleep, so he doesn't notice me.

I'm about to go see that little brat #####. I'm curious. I know full well where she lives. She lives only a few blocks away.

When I got to her house, I went through the door with no problem(I can go through objects, after all, I am dead) and floated up the stairs. I went into the room with the open door and looked at who was on the bed.

It was her. She was asleep. I almost started to laugh in pity all over again. I was right. She looked so frail that if somebody squeezed her arm, I bet it would snap like a twig. I almost felt bad for her to have to be in a child's body. It must be embarrassing.

Sucks to be her.

I jumped out the window and hell opened its gates for me. My father is summoning me. I won't talk to you again, human.

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