The return

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The last three days went by quite slowly and right now somehow Denki was standing in the corner with a pout

"Denki what you did was not nice"

Hizashi said with his arms crossed trying to hold back his laugh

Meanwhile shota was sitting on the couch with an ice pack on his head

Flashback ten minutes ago

"Denki it's time to eat,you can play later"

Shota said walking over to the little

"Mmmm five more minutes!"

"You said that five minutes ago time to eat"

"I'm busy!"



Shota went over to go pick up Denki but was met in the head with a toy car(LMAO I SNORTED-)

Hizashi was silently laughing his ass off on the couch before helping his dear husband up and giving him a ice pack

End of flashback

"He was being mean!"

"He was not,he was trying to get you to eat then you could of played with your toys"

Denki huffed as he stud in the corner

Five more minutes passed

"Alright you may get out the corner,BUT,you must apologize to shota for what you did"

Denki turned around and looked at the raven who looked look he was actually hurt in the inside but hid it

Denki felt bad as he went over with his head down

" sir I'm sorry for hitting you with a was mean of me and I u-understand if you don't want to be friends with me anymore..!"

Denki had started to cry when he got to the friends part

Shota sighed picking up Denki and hugged him

"It's alright hunny you don't have to cry,I forgive you,just don't do it anymore ok?"

The little nodded soon calming down with small sniffs

Time skip

They were now all eating at the table shota feeding Denki and hizashi too

"Denki we got some news for you "

Denki looked at him with a full mouth

"Hitoshi is coming back today and he's gonna pick you up!"

Tho Denki wanted his daddy back he also was still upset that he lied to him

"Wjst tisme?"

"Don't talk with your mouth fool"

Shota said as Denki swallowed

"What time?"

"In about two hours"

And they spent those two hours playing and watching tv till they heard a knock them keys in the door

Shota was coming downstairs with bags that had Denkis new and old clothes,shot might of went on a little shopping spree for the little

"Come on Denki your daddy is here"

Denki let out a small whine as he went over to them and watched the door open and shinsou come in with a smile to his his sub

Denki looked away from shinsou with a pout

Shinsou looked surprised,he thought his little boy was gonna be happy and to see him

"Denki baby arnt you happy to see me?"


Shinsou looked at him then remembered the phone call

"Denki hunny I'm back now.."

He huffed and looked away

He sighed taking the bags and thinking his parents for watching him as they went to the car and went home

Once they got inside shinsou hugged Denki

"Babyboy I'm sorry that I lied and left you..I didn't mean to..i just knew if I told you then you would thrown a whole fit and wouldn't let me go without a fight and a bad punishment,so don't be mad at me"

Denki looked up at him with teary eyes


Denki slapped him hard in your face and ran upstairs with tears in his eyes to his room and locked the door and cried

Shinsou stud there shocked holding his cheek as anger filled him but also worry and sadness

Instead of going after Denki he let the both of them cool off...

To be continued<3

Sorry it's so short!

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