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Since that incident happened hitoshi has been none stop checking denkis back and head for anything and making sure he's good

He would even make the blond study on himself and how he could hide his wings out in public

He would even go as to fare or checking denkis head every night before bed to see if wings were
Coming out his head just like alua said

But nothing

"Hitoshi i would know if they were growing,I would have a huge headache"he said as Hitoshi was going threw his hair once again

"I know but I can't help but be worried"he said softly as he fixed the blondes hair and let him stand up

Now being released Denki was finally able to put on his night clothes witch were just underwear and a shirt

Just as Denki was about to lay down hitoshi asked him for the 800th time

"Does you're back hurt?do you need anything before bed?"

"Yes,for you to get out of my room so I can sleep"he said annoyed pulling the covers on him

"Maybe I should sleep in you're room again to make sure nothing happens"he said as he was about to crawl into his covers

"Hitoshi I'm fine! Seriously I'm ok if anything happens I'll press the button or call you"

"But..I want to make sure you're fine.."

"Baby I'm fine I promise now go to bed or do work anything that can let me go to sleep peacefully"he said as he laid down facing away from Hitoshi and pulled the covers over his arms closing his eyes

"Hitoshi get out.i can feel you staring at me.."

"No You don't.."

"Get out before I kick you out." Denki said clearly annoyed,just wanting to go to bed

He could hear footsteps and the door opening and closing and finally he was able to sleep

Well,not for long because the motherfucker had came back an hour later and sat in a chair watching Denki sleep

The blond feeling paranoid he woke up out his sleep only to see glowing purple eyes looking at
Him scaring the absolute shit out of him

"Oh my god!i need to lock my door!why are you back in here?get out!now!"

"Come on let me sleep with you just this last time,please?"

"Ok fine.last time."

Hitoshi made his way into the bed cuddling behind the blond

They soon feel asleep

And god was Hitoshi there because Denki had woken up to his head pounding

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