30 day writing challenge!!

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So cheshirecat9 and I are doing a writing challenge. if you want to participate, the days are in the picture. Lets go!

Basic things about yourself!
I have brown to blonde ombré hair at the moment
I have braces that are ugly as fuck
My eyes are brown( comment your eye color and I'll write a description of your eye to make it cooler than just a color)
I was placed in all AP classes for next year
I was born in Indiana and it's currently my home state
Horror/paranormal/freaky stuff is what I love
Viola is my instrument
Height: 5 foot 6 inches
Weight: roughly 125 pounds
I love to draw and read and write
Did I mention that I've gotten my crushes number?!
That's all for today! Love you homeskillets!!!!!

~ Lost girl

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