•>Chapter 1<•

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Chesters POV

Ever since elementary school, I've always found Parker so amazing. His hair, voice, height, smile..Everything about him made me seem so small. Like I was an outcast, which is probably why I'm his camera man now. But I mean whatever. I love Parker, and I wouldn't trade our relationship and channels for the world.

Which makes me sound gay as fuck.

Makes sense, because I am. Didn't even know I was gay until a couple years ago..See I always wear sun glasses, because of my insecurities (that might not be the reason why but it is for my story so pls don't come for me) and Parker never seemed to mind. Until two years ago. And I also started a new feeling:

~Flashback wOooOooOoOoOh~

"Parker stop!! Give them to me!!" I yelled, as Parker held my sun glasses above my head.

"No! Chester you always wear these..I'm sick of it. Your eyes are fine! Sure they're small but also who cares! They fit you. And your pretty good looking, I don't know why your so worried!" He yelled back. Hearing those words made my heart feel warm. The way Parker looked at me as I slowly walked back made me blush, how have I never noticed how handsome he is?

"I..Uh..Sorry..I just don't want people to think I'm ugly..Even though I'm just your camera man." Lie. I'm not worried about what others think of me, I'm worried about what Parker thinks of me. Stupid because of how long we've been friends.

He sighed. "Your not just my camera man. Your my best friend, since elementary school right? And I would never, never, do anything to hurt you. So if you really want these glasses I'll give them to you, but I just think you should learn not to care about what people think. I'll always care about you..Shouldn't that be enough..?"

I can feel the blush burning on my cheeks, as a sudden urge to rap my arms around him settled in me deeply. "Yeah..Yeah of course. I just don't..Just never mind. Keep the glasses, let's just film the video."

It would've been fine with leaving it at that, but Parker grabbed my hand and squeezed it for a couple seconds, smiling at me softly.

And that was a it took. Right in that moment,

Was when I started crushing on my best friend.

~End of flash back lol~

Yep. That's right. I, Chester (no idea what his last name is) is gay for his best friend. Gay in general.

"Hey dude are you ok? I just cut the cam." Parker asked me. Him and I had been filming a video. Ordering another girlfriend off the dark web, yay. As if things went great last time. I don't even like women, yet they seem to have such a strong connection with me..The fuck?

"Yeah man..I've just been thinking about stuff." I replied.

"Oh yeah?" He smirked. "Like what?"

My cheeks filled with red. Again..He can't know what I'm thinking about..It will ruin our friendship if he starts thinking I'm gay! I thought. The more I think about it that sentence sounds like a ten year old said it. What if I'm just over thinking? I mean all I'm thinking about is how he was being nice to me..

"Well..I-I just remembered that time you said it was ok for me to not have to wear my glasses..Like my eyes were pretty..Remember that?"

He stared at me with a weird look on his face. "Uh yeah sure whatever dude."

There goes all my confidence. Right down the drain.

I sat next to Parker with a more down feel. He could've said something like "oh yeah I remember that." Or "damn you still remember that?" But he said "uh yeah sure whatever dude." I don't even know why I care so much about what he thinks. It's something along the lines of; you can say absolutely whatever you want to me, call me mean names, and post mean shit about me on social media. But the second Parker calls me ugly, I don't think I would ever look at myself again. Does that sound crazy? Am I just crazy? Probably. Fuck I sound like a thirteen year old girl fussing about a boy on the internet. To be fair that is what I'm doing, fussing about a boy from the internet.

"Dammit Chester what's wrong with you? Your spacing out again! Do you need me to kiss you or something??" Parker blurted. This caught my attention.

"Huh..?" I replied, turning my eyes to face his. He made a little indication with his head for me to tell him what's going on. "Oh um sorry I'm just thinking."

"Well no shit. We're about to start recording so balls up and start acting human again."

(After filming bc ya boi don't wanna write all that shit)

"Alright so Angus is gonna meet with us in a few hours." Parker said, turning my body so we were facing each other again.


"Look I'm sorry about being mean to you earlier, I was just worried, and I still am..Here it's..." He extended the 's' as he checked his Rolex for the time. "Eleven P.M. Maybe you should just go get some rest, I'll wake you up again when Angus gets here. Get your mind off whatever is bothering you, ok?"

"Ok.." We both gently smiled at each other. That's one of the things I love about Parker, he can seem like such a dick at first, but once he sees your sad he will get all soft and be so nice. What more could I guy like me ask for? Actually it would be nice if Parker was nice all the time..But I'd take Parker's personality over a million dollars any day. Jesus just his company in general. When he's around me it's just amazing. I feel so comfortable around him, like I can be myself, but some of his words can be hurtful.


Once I got in bed before Parker left the room I could help but..

"Hey, thank you. Your..Your an amazing f.friend.." I'm such a simp.

"Of course. You've been my best friend since Elementary school, I'm always here for you bud." He replied. My heart warmed up as he smiled at me before closing the door. All I could think about before dozing off was what our life would be like if we were together..

I know Parker is straight. But a guy can dream? A boy can dream about his best friend loving him the way he loves his best friend..Because I think we all know there is no way Parker loves me in that way. In fact I saw him on some dating websites. And not the ones from the dark web. Tinder. It pisses me off..

Like Parker you have me?? Why do you need a girlfriend..You certainly didn't in your music video..Instead of a "hot babe" with a big ass and big breasts you had me. Dancing in the background. Good times.

I thought.

Anyway a couple minutes later I was fast asleep, that's enough of the day for me. Until the bitch from the dark web gets here.

LOL dam less thinking more talking maybe?
Well this was the start, if you like it I will continue if you don't then I won't..
Also I showed my dad some of the Life of luxury videos and he said to turn it off because he knows Chester and Parker are dating 😂

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