•>Chapter 3<•

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Chester POV

Speechless. What am I suppose to say?? YeS pArKeR i Am GaY iVe BeEn KeEpInG tHiS fRoM yOu FoR yEaRs..

"Uh- well um..You see I—"

"Chester it's ok you know..Actually while we're having this conversation I gotta admit something too.." instead of saying something I just kept my head down but we stayed looking into his dark brown eyes. "I'm bisexual!" Right at that moment I was about to say something but we both heard a crash from upstairs.

"Let's finish this conversation later, grab the camera."

We got the camera and ran upstairs.

"What do you think she's doing???" I questioned, while running up the stairs.

"I don't know dude this lady is crazy!! Did you hear her talking bad about you?? For all we know she could be breaking stuff and ruining things!!"

Once we got downstairs we found Angus holding a picture frame of Parker and I and my phone. Oh boy, this again.


"What is this!!??" Angus yelled. She held up a phone to show a picture of Parker and I sleeping together. Shit, she must have found our YouTube channel and paused it when we were in bed.

"What the hell, give that back!" I yelled back, scared.

"Stay outta this Chester." Parker stepped in. He walked over to her and snatched the phone as she yelled. She was about to throw the picture frame on the floor when he slapped her. Jesus he slapped her hard.

"Who the hell do you think you are!!! Chester is mine, mine, not yours!!!!" Ugh her voice is so husky and gross..

Right at that moment Parker pulled Angus real close by the collar and whispered, "I could love Chester more than you ever could."

I felt my heart racing. He..Loved me..? And I'm sure anybody could love me more than Angus could honestly. But shit..If I wasn't so caught up in the moment I would've kissed him right then and there.

She gasped, I rolled my eyes. "You..You-You..... BITCH!"



Goes my heart as Parker lied on that floor, bleeding like crazy from his left upper quadrant. Angus had broken the frame and shoved it through his skin. As I saw Parker fall to the floor I ran at Angus as fast as I could and slammed my fist into her face. She was in pain, because she literally fell back. But for all I know she could've killed Parker! My video partner, my best friend, my..My soulmate.

As soon as I saw her fall I grabbed Parker and called the cops, tears falling faster than hail hitting the ground.

Chester: Hello um police???

Operator: Hello this is the police how may I help you?

Chester: My um my friend got stabbed

Shit I could barely talk I was crying so much.

Operator: How bad is it?

Chester: Very very um very bad there's blood everywhere..

Operator: Ok..Where is the injury located?

Chester: Like right under the um uhh the peck..Please help

Operator: Ok where are you?

Chester: We're in the bedroom, PLEASE send help!!

Operator: I can't help you unless you tell me where you are. What's your address or location

Chester: Um our address is ******

Operator: Ok we are sending an ambulance

Chester: Thank you and please be quick!!!

The call ended and I held Parker like there was no tomorrow. That's not even a simile, there could be no tomorrow.

"Parker please..Don't leave me.." I mumbled. I wanted to say 'I love you' but I just couldn't..

"C-Chester..?" Parker let out, coughing.

"Parker!!!!!! Please just a little longer!"

"I-I-I..I love..You.." That was the moment when Parker stopped squeezing my hand, he just let go and stop using his strength of any kind.

"No..." I was crying so much I wasn't even crying anymore. Just heart broken. Was he really dead?

The police came, I could hear anything. They broke in and grabbed Parker to put him on the table.

"No NO! GIVE HIM BACK!!" I yelled. They couldn't just take him away!!

"Sir I need you to get off so we can help him." The police replied. These fuckers.


"No you can't. Get off." They shoved me away, leaving me there to rush to my car and zoom to follow them. I was holding my mouth shut with one hand and steering with the other. Suddenly the only thing that felt right was to call Parker's parents.

His mom picked up after a couple rings.

Mom: Hello?

Chester: Um hello?!!? Um I have bad news about Parker..

As soon as she heard my crying I heard her gasp and I could tell she was gonna cry.

Mom: What?? What happened?!?!?!

Chester: He got stabbed! He got stabbed..I'm driving to the hospital right now....

Mom: Oh my god..I'm on my way!!

The closer I got the more I got worried. Do I really wanna go and see him on the table? Rushing to get him to the emergency room. No, not at all.
Five minutes later I got there. I ran to the office lady tears still dripping down my cheeks.

"Hello??" I frantically said.

"How can I help you?" She replied, how could someone be so calm???

"I'm here to see um Parker Hajiaskari..He came in a couple minutes ago with a stab womb."

"Oh..Honey um.."


It was the three words that made my heart shatter next,

"Honey, he passed."

God I'm so good at cliff hangers
Also sorry not sorry for this

I'll Find You/ParkerxChesterWhere stories live. Discover now