Chapter 1The War Begins

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Elairis's POV


My mothers cold voice startled me. She hardly spoke anymore. After I was old enough to understand the world, she told me I was unwanted. An abomination, made from an experiment. Literally. Sylvanas- my mother- had been toying with... things... things she'd never told anyone. All I knew was that it required her blood.

"Elairis." My mother spoke to me again. She was getting impatient.

"Yes?" I had to force myself not to say mother.

I turned my head away from the window in my bedroom and looked at Sylvanas. I was trying to get out of the habit of calling her mother. She had silently made it clear that I was not her daughter until I proved myself.

I was currently sitting on my bed in my little room in Lordaeron. I had claimed it because of how out-of-the-way it was. My mother-Sylvanas, I reminded myself- didn't care. She just never visited. So why was she here?

I breathed a calming breath. "How was the invasion of the tree?"

She frowned. "It has been reduced to ash. Burned to cinders. War... war is coming."

I jumped off my bed. "What?"

She narrowed her eyes. "You heard me. Prepare for battle. They are camped just outside the gates. When they come, they will attack. And you... will kill their king."

It dawned on me. This was to be my proof that I was worthy to be by her side. And to be proud to be related to the Warchief of the Horde. And perhaps, one day, lead the Horde myself.

I got down on one knee. "I will not fail you, Warchief."

She frowned. "You'd better not."

And with that, she walked away.


I was atop the wall above the gates of Lordaeron. Sylvanas had yet to come up, and the Alliance dogs were approaching. Something gold caught my eye, and I turned my gaze away from the tall towers to the middle of the army. There was a man in blue and gold armour, with a golden lion as his helmet. There. I smirked. There was the king. He was buried deep within all the soldiers around him, but that wouldn't be a problem once the battle started. I would find an easy opening. I knew it.

I smirked more when I saw Forsaken archers come up. But that smile was quickly smothered when a shout came out from the Alliance army.


Suddenly, the siege towers fired. Their guns shot and they unleashed their catapults. One of the stones they threw landed right next to me, and I quickly grabbed my bow, making it appear in my hands. The same happened with each arrow I fired.

After a few minutes, it was clear that we were losing. Even when Sylvanas came up, we were still losing. "Keep firing!" She ordered. When a gun from one of the siege towers almost hit her, she glared at it for a split second, then down at the ground. I followed her gaze. The Horde was losing, and we both saw Saurfang get shot a couple times. She glared back up at the siege tower. She leaped from the wall and up to the tower, and a few seconds later, it exploded, making everyone watch as Sylvanas hopped down onto the ground, going full banshee.


The Horde roared a battlecry, and I saw Saurfang pick up a Horde banner and charge at the enemy. I leaped down from the wall, tearing through the lines of soldiers using daggers I made appear out of nowhere. I dodged and cut, moving at a lightning speed. I made sure to clear a path to the king in case I needed help. I paused at a giant machine, piloted by a gnome, no doubt. It turned to me as soon as I stopped, and pointed its gun at me. I smirked and slid between its legs, slicing many wires as I cut through it. I got up as soon as I was behind it and sliced it in half.

The Warchief's Daughter (Anduin x OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora