Chapter 2 The Bargain

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Elairis's POV

Both man and orc turned to the corner of the cell I was at. Saurfang smiled, but Anduin gasped.

"You..." The king trailed off.

"Elairis," Varok rumbled. He came over to me and put a hand on my shoulder. "It's good to see you, child."

I snorted. "Technically, I'm part her, so I'm older than you."

He smirked and hugged me.

Behind him, the king coughed.

"Amen. I believe you have some explaining to do... Windrunner."

I rolled my eyes when they strapped me to a chair in the keep. "You do realize I can get out of this pretty easily, right?"

The worgen growled, but Alleria came over to me and kneeled down and put her hand on my shoulder. "Trust me, it's for the best."

I raised an eyebrow. "To... strap me to a chair?"

She shook her head. "To help you understand that trust must be earned."

My eyes widened a little. "You don't trust me?"

"Yes," she answered as she stood up. "I do, but they don't."

They (the rest of the important people in the room) stepped forward. The king spoke first.

"Alleria speaks highly of you, yet you try to kill me. Twice. Why should I believe her?"

"You... probably shouldn't." I answered honestly. "I'm not the most trustworthy person there is."

The worgen snorted. "That is the only thing we can agree on."

"The only thing we should agree on is the fact that I'm your only hope at killing Sylvanas," I retorted.

The dog opened his mouth, then snapped it shut.

I smirked. "Now, what do you want?" I asked, turning to the king.

He breathed in. "We have a common enemy. I figured we should work together."

I glanced down at the chains around my person then back up at him. "...Do we? I mean, you did chain me."

He rolled his eyes as he turned around, but I knew he was trying to stop a smile. He turned around and said, "If we let you go free, will you help us?"

The mage gasped, but Alleria nodded at him.

But I ruined the moment. "No."

The king raised an eyebrow. "And why?"

"For me to do something for you, you have to do something for me, besides unlocking these chains that I can get out of embarrassingly easily."

"And what would that be?"

I sighed. "Help me restore my honor to the Horde."

He blinked. "What?"

I rolled my eyes. "Are you deaf?"

He shook his head. "No, I just don't understand why you- oh."




He raised an amused eyebrow. "Are you deaf?"

I scoffed. "No, I was asking that out of instinct."

He sighed. "I was saying yes because I was agreeing with you. Killing Sylvanas yourself-"

"Will only make it seem like I'm going for power." I shifted in the seat. "I simply need you to promise me to get whoever replaces her to let me back into the Horde."

"Why do you need a way in?" The king asked, frowning.

I looked around, refusing to make eye contact. "Let's just say Sylvanas doesn't like me and doesn't think I'm useful. Me killing you was my way to her side."

The king and the mage shared a look. Then he turned back to me, saying, "Will you help us?"

I took a deep breath. "Yes."

A/N: Sorry for the shot chapter. I hope u enjoyed it!

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