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Ever since Midoriya and Ochako came to UA, they knew that they would be all set for becoming great heroes. They now had hero licences, made plenty of friends, and even found love for each other.

Sorry if that sounded cheesy.

Recently, Himiko Toga had moved into class 1A's dorms. Everybody had......different opinions on this. Some thought she should be given a second chance. Others thought she should go back to prison and stay there.

Ochako was worried at first. When Toga first moved in, that respect she had for Ochako quickly faded away when she heard that Ochako was dating Midoriya. It was going to be very awkward since Toga was moving into her and Ashido's room (Yes, Ashido and Ochako are roommates). But the two put their issues aside and became friends.

Things were going well for Midoriya and Ochako.

But one day, that all changed.

One day, Ochako came back from training with Midoriya. Ashido was in the dorm when she walked in.

"Hi, Ochako," she said. "Your back early."

"Yeah...I guess I am," Ochako replied with a look of concern.

"Is something wrong, Ochako," Ashido asked.

"I'm not sure," said Ochako. "I was training with Midoriya for the upcoming physical exam when I started to feel a strange feeling in my stomach."

Ashido was confused. "Isn't that normal for you?"

"No, this was different. I wasn't sick or in pain or anything like that," said Ochako. "I just felt weird."

"Oh, well it's good that you're looking out for yourself," said Ashido.

Soon Midoriya came in. "Ochako, are you okay? You looked like something was bothering you when you left," he said.

Ochako smiled. "Deku, don't worry about me, I'm fine. I was just being cautious, that's all. Nothing to worry about."

"Alright," said Midoriya.


Ochako, Toga and Ashido were fast asleep in their room. All of a sudden, Ochako felt something in her stomach again. It wasn't just a little discomfort like earlier. It was pain.

Maybe I ate something bad, Ochako thought. She rarely ever felt like this. What made it even more odd was the fact that she only used her quirk once for the entire day.

She turned on her side and saw Toga on the other bed who was also awake. She was lying there, staring at the ceiling.

"Hey Toga," said Ochako "are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just thinking," Toga replied.

"About what?" Ochako asked.

"About all the bad things I did in the past. I killed so many people and now I have to live the rest of my life knowing that I can't bring them back," Toga said. "It hurts to know that."

Then Toga realized the slight difference in Ochako's voice. "Are you okay? You sound sick."

Ochako sighed. "I don't know what's wrong with me. I was fine earlier, but now my stomach hurts and I feel like I'm about to throw up."

"Maybe you used your quirk too much," said Toga.

"I used it once," Ochako replied.

"Maybe you just need some rest," Toga said.

Ochako turned on her side and was about to fall asleep when a thought struck her. What if I'm truly sick? That physical exam tomorrow is worth 80% of my grade. I hope I feel better by then.


Ochako woke up to the feeling of somebody tapping her on the shoulder. She knew only one person who would wake her up like that. She got up to see Midoriya standing there smiling. "Good morning, Uraraka," Midoriya said.

"Good morning, Midoriya," said Ochako. "Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to see you, but what are you doing here?"

"Ashido and Toga couldn't wake you up," Midoriya replied. "So they asked me to..."

Midoriya was interrupted by Ochako getting up and running to the bathroom. Midoriya found her sitting by the toilet vomiting.

"Uraraka, are you alright?" Midoriya asked.

"Yes, I'm fine," she replied. "I just feel a bit sick."

"Maybe you shouldn't go to class today," Midoriya suggested.

"Deku," Ochako said in a more fed up voice, "I said I'm fine."

Midoriya, who was surprised, thought it would be best to say nothing more. So he walked back to his dorm.

I'm feeling too lazy to write all the events of the physical exam, so I'll write a short summary. Ochako's stomach started to hurt again. She ignored it, and pushed herself hard to get a good score. Obviously, this only made things worse. She got a high score, but Iida got the highest score.


If Ochako felt sick earlier that day, she felt awful now. She knew that something was really wrong with her, so she headed to the nurse's office. But she didn't get far.

On the way, Ochako started to feel dizzy, and her body got weaker and weaker. Come on, she thought, it's just a few feet away. But she couldn't do it.

And just like that, Ochako passed out.

MHAAU (Bonus Story) - On This Road Together (IzuOcha)Where stories live. Discover now