Manhunt IRL

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The two sat for a moment or two to try and take in what had just happened. George had practically admitted feelings for Dream, and Dream was trying not to have a nervous breakdown on the hood of his car.

"What does that make us then?" Dream looked over to George. "If you don't see me as a friend?"

"Well.. Depending if you feel the same, we could.." George just shrugged, looking away. "Be more than friends or something."

Dream hastily grabbed George's hand, staring him in the eyes. "I.. I want that." He spoke with a slight smile, heart pounding.

The two remained on the cliffside for an hour or two, discussing different aspects of going into a relationship like that. For now, they'd keep it to themselves and close friends, and not release it to the public for a while, just to work things out. Once they had finished speaking about that, they ended up just watching the city below, just conversing like normal. They were talking about music they had recently heard, when Dream noticed an incoming call from his phone inside the car. As he hopped up to get it, he noticed it was Sapnap calling. Once Dream answered the call, Sapnap started yelling through the phone.

"Where the hell are you? I've been trying to call you for the last hour!"

"Wow. You sound like my mom all of the sudden. We're up on that cliff that overlooks the city. Why do you wanna know anyways? I go out all the time." Dream glanced at George, who was laughing his ass off.

"Well have you checked Twitter yet today?"

Dream's stomach dropped. There's nothing good there. "No? Why?"

"Someone noticed George at the airport apparently and took a picture of you two talking and now it's goddamned trending." Sapnap could be heard typing.

Dream started pacing around. "What? Shit. uh-" He looked back at George who was no longer laughing and was now looking a bit more concerned. "We'll head back now." Dream didn't wait for a response before hanging up and motioning for George to get in, which he promptly did.

"Dream? What's wrong?" George held on as Dream sped down the road.

"Guess I didn't get to face-reveal myself. Someone got a picture of you and I at the airport and now everyone's freaking out." Dream chuckled nervously. "Wasn't exactly ready but uh.. No time like the present I suppose."

The two were silent until Dream pulled into his driveway, taking a deep breath and getting out. The two were met at the door by Sapnap, who was desperately grasping onto his phone. Dream motioned for Sapnap to show him. Upon seeing the picture, Dream tapped his foot nervously.

"Well... you can't really see my face I guess-" Dream shrugged, looking at George, who eyed the picture anxiously. "It could be worse."

"As long as you're doing okay.." Sapnap took his phone back, glancing at the picture for a moment before turning it off entirely. "So uh.. How was the cliff?"

The two seemed to tense up a bit before looking in different directions.

"It was fine? Cliff-y." Dream shrugged again, looking back to a skeptical Sapnap. "What? It wasn't a huge deal."

Sapnap nodded a bit and George cleared his throat.

"I'm going to bed actually. Night." George didn't wait for a response before just walking off.

That left Sapnap and Dream by themselves.

"Technically we're dating now-" Dream spat out, to which Sapnap grinned.

"There it is."

"Shut up and don't tell anyone."

After the three went to bed and woke up the next morning, they had decided to make the first video of the trip. George had filmed random bits of the trip, like in the airport and on the road, but other than that, he basically had no content. The trio decided it'd be a fun video to go visit a local laser tag arena, where each person was equipped with a chest cam and just played for a bit. They all got ready, meeting in the living room before leaving.

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