~Aillte an Mhothair~

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These Cliffs—My cliffs, have kept safe the soul of this land for time unmeasured without end.
They tell of unspoken words that continue to carry on in the depths of the wind.

For hundreds of years, they've remained like ancient sentries,
Guarding the waterfront from where they stand,
Witnessing sailors appear over the horizon,
Gliding upon the ocean tide to this enchanted land.

The palpitating symphony of the sea enhances their majestic power,
Capturing their images like beautiful mirrors reflecting   the rays of such pristine gray towers.

If you ever dare to wonder this far,
Journey beyond the moors,
Across the shimmering lakes and where  the rocky roads splits apart,
There you'll find me amongst the cliffs,
The discovery point of Ireland's heart.


           {Aillte An Mhothair= for Cliffs of Moher}

Dedicated to my great great grandfather
Whose love for Ireland will always run through me. One day will tell great tales of the land we hold dear to our heart

 One day will tell great tales of the land we hold dear to our heart

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