Joining the Guild

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Fuyu and Haru's parents finally let them join a guild when they turned 6. They obviously wanted to join Lightning Heart. One of the most famous guilds in all of Magnolia. Fuyu and Haru had a nanny bring them.

"I'm so excited! Are you excited?" Fuyu asked his sister. Haru just had a humongous grin on her face. They were holding hands with Macy. They looked at the Guildhall with grins. When they got in they looked around at everyone. Macy brings them to a desk.

"Hello are you here to join Lightning Heart?" Asked a girl with dark brown hair and hazel eyes.

"Not me but them." Macy said pointing to the twins. The girl at the desk looked over the desk.

"Awe, they're so cute." The girl gushed.

"Thank you, but they're not mine. I'm they're nanny." "There isn't an age limit is there?" Macy asked. The lady shook her head no. She brought out two papers. Fuyu and Haru signed them. Fuyu got his guild mark on his right leg. Haru got her's on her right arm. Macy then left.  Fuyu and Haru stood idly at the desk. The girl behind the counter noticed this.

"There's a playground outback." The lady behind the desk said. She pointed to the door.

"Thank you." The twins said in unison. They skipped to the door and went outside. The playground was cute. There were slides, monkey bars, swings, and a spiny disk thing. They notice a girl about their age with light chestnut hair, dark blue eyes, wearing a light blue flower pattern short sleeved shirt, a pair of denim shorts, and flower pattern flip flops. She was swinging on a swing by herself. She looked happy to see them. The little girl slowed the swing down then jumped off.

"Kids my age!" She shouted excitedly. She jogged over to Fuyu and Haru. The girl stuck her hand out wanting to shake their hands. "Hi. My name is Jade want are your names?" The little girl known as Jade excitedly told them and asked them.

Fuyu seemed a little hesitant at first but than decided to shake Jades' hand. "Hello, My name is Fuyu and my name is Haru." Fuyu and Haru said together. "We just joined." Fuyu added.

"I actually joined last year." Jade said with a smile on her face. "I've been considered an honorary member for my whole life." Jade told them. The twins had confused faces on their faces. "My mom is Master Veronicas' best friend." The twins nodded in understanding.

"Are we friends now." Haru asked. Fuyu had a face of thought.

"I guess so." He said with a cheeky smile. He ran right at Jade and touched her shoulder. "Tag you're it!" Fuyu yelled as he touched Jade's shoulder and ran away. Haru laughed then ran away too. Jade smiled and started to chase them. They played for 10 minutes. A new kid just walked outside. He had short white spiky hair, green eyes, and he had a little freckle on his nose. He was wearing a white shirt with overalls over it, and he had little light brown shoes. The kid was looking around. Jade decided to slide down the playground. Haru and Fuyu came out of hiding. The 3 walked over to him.

"Hi my name is Jade." Jade greeted with a smile.
"My name is Fuyu and mine is Haru." They both said.
"Hello I'm Karten." The boy now known as Karten told them shyly.
"Would you like to play with us?" Haru asked. "What should we play though?" Haru asked aloud putting a finger on her chin.
"How about hide and seek?" Karten suggested.

"Alright then." You're it!" Haru shouted pointing at Karten. Karten had a brief look of shock on his face but then it turned into a smirk. He turns around and covers his eyes and starts to count. "One, two, three..." Karten counted. As he started to count the three other children burst off. Running in three separate directions. Fuyu hides behind a humongous bush, Jade hides in a little area underneath the slide, and Haru hides on the playground.

"Ready or not here I come!" Karten shouts out. He starts his hunt for the three. He got very close to Fuyu's hiding place. Fuyu breathed a sigh of relief as Karten walked by the bush. Karten then spots Haru in the playground. He starts to run to where Haru is hiding. Haru bolts as soon as she sees Karten running. She gets down and runs to a swing set. Despite Haru's efforts Karten still manages to catch up with her.

"Tag. You have to be it next round." Karten expresses with a smile. This causes Haru to grin as well she agrees and they start looking for the other two. Haru gets an idea. She climbs up the playground again but for recon instead of hiding. Haru scans the area with her eyes and notices Fuyu dash out of his hiding spot.

"He's on the run!" Haru shouts gesturing where Fuyu is. Karten nods and dashes in the direction. Karten is surprisingly fast. He catches up to Fuyu in a little bit and tags him. Fuyu sighs as he got tagged. The three of them spilt up in search of Jade. It had been five minutes and they haven't found her. Fuyu notices the little area under the playground. He taps Karten's shoulder and points. There where three exits there. Haru comes up with an idea for the three of them to block off the exits and Karten to crawl in and tag her. The group end up playing for two more hours. It becomes dinner time at this time.

"Dinners ready!" Amelia shouts. "Ok Mom!" Jade shouts back. She said a goodbye to her new friends. The lady who was behind the desk. Told the trio that she made dinner for them. The trio run inside.

"Thank you." The trio thanked before they dug into the delicious food. The lady took their plates after they finished.

It has been a week after the three new members joined. "I've decided to let you 4 go on a job." Veronica told the 4 kids. "It won't be dangerous. Also I'm not having you go alone." Veronica continued. A woman named Zoey comes up right behind Veronica.

"I'll be going with you 4." Zoey stated while pointing at herself excitedly. "By the way, Veronica. Where's the job request?"Zoey asked. Veronica in response gave her a small grin and handed over a sheet of paper. Zoey looked over the paper and grinned. "Golden Sunlight. Huh."She said out loud. She quickly scans the request form. The request is about a man who wants some people to use their magic to wow a audience. It will be for a week and every one will payed payed 1000 Nix each.

They all went to Golden Sunlight in Zoey's car. The car was a long boxy shape. It's color was a vibrant red. It seemed to shimmer in the sunlight. The seats were a light blue color. Haru and Fuyu were in the far back Karten and Jade in the middle. Zoey puts on some children's songs. They passed though beautiful towns. The drive was about two hours. All five of them stretched their legs. Fuyu and Haru both noticed a sweets shops. The group started walking around town. The group wandered to the sweets shop. Fuyu started at the delectable sweets in the window.

"We can go get something if you want." Zoey suggested. A bell ring as they entered. They immediately smelled the delectable smells of the sweets.

"Hello what would you like?" A woman behind the counter with mint green hair wearing a headband with a little black top hat with a cherry on it. She had a pink and light blue striped hair, a black skirt with highlights of pink and blue, blue leggings, and black flats. She had a magnificent smile on her face. The twins looked at the menu wondering what they should get. Everything sounded delectable. Zoey giggled at them and walked to the counter.

"Hello, I would like a cherry tart. Please." Zoey told the woman behind the counter. "And what would the children like." She said referring to the group of children looking at the menu.

"Can I get an slice of apricot peach pie. Please." Fuyu said innocently. The woman nodded. Haru stepped up after him she placed an order for a white chocolate cupcake with homemade buttercream frosting with star sprinkles. Jade got a geo cupcake and Karten got a strawberry lemonade ice cream. The children are excited to start their first job.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2022 ⏰

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