One nice and calm day

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It was Monday, it was about the 14 week of school so it wasn't really a important day. "So Bluey, I want to ask you something." Mackenzie said. Bluey looked back and her friends did to. "What where you saying?" "Um, can I talk to you in, well, private?" "why, sure Mackenzie." But before anyone can say on other word the bell rung. DING! DING! DING! DING! "Oh well, let's talk later on, how about we talk at free time before lunch?" "Great, see you Bluey." "See you Mackenzie." And that left to their first period class rooms. Meanwhile at Bingos school. "So, what are you doing today?" "Nothing really, why do you ask Bingo?" "Oh, no reason at all, just curious." "Remember Bingo, curiosity killed the cat you know." "I know, Ms. Calypso." "Good, now take your seat. Class will start in a bit." "OK, Ms. Calypso." "Good girl Bingo." Back at Bluey's school. "So, you are dating Mackenzie, right?" Chloe asked Bluey. "WHAT! NO!" The teacher said. "Don't yell." "No I'm not Chloe." Bluey whispered. "Well, I think he likes you." "No, he can't, we are friends, not lovers." "That's why you two will be great together. You two know each other very well." "Yes that true, and I know him well enough to know that he won't ask me out." "I wish you where right." "I am right, your wrong." "Let's see about that Bluey." Meanwhile at Mackenzie's homeroom it was group reading and discussion time and Mackenzie got with all his friends in the room. "Well well well, if it isn't the lover boy." Rusty said. "What do you mean Rusty?" "Oh you know good and well what we are talking about Mackenzie, no need to be ashamed of it." Jack said. "I know you like Bluey, so you asked to have a private talk with her at lunch break." " OK, I did, so what? Did I do something wrong?" "No, we just want to congratulate you and your accomplishment." Snickers said.  "So, do you know how to kiss her? That is important." "What do you mean Jack? I barely asked her out this day." "You'll never know, she might want you to make out with her in the multi gender bathroom." "That's kind of messed up. You think I'm going to mess this up don't you?" Rusty looked at him and out a hand over his shoulder and said. "Just know, you need a lot of help before you go on your date." "Thank I fell better now." Mackenzie said sarcastically. He was nervous, will Jack and Rusty ruin the one chance he has to tell Bluey how he feels or will Mackenzie be the one to mess up? He didn't know he just wanted to know if he will get her or not, and if he doesn't their is always Chloe he thought. Later on that day it was almost lunch and Bluey was waiting for Mackenzie with Chloe. "So, what do I do?! What do i say?! How do I act?!" Bluey said worrying about what to say. "Don't worry, its going to be fine, you'll see. Its your first date you can do it." "Its not a date, I'm worried that Mackenzie will not like me yo be his friend for long." "Oh, I get it. I know you two have known each other for years now and you think that he will get board of being with you, just know he won't your too important to him. No matter what he says." "Thank you Chloe, I feel better now. See you soon." "Oh and Bluey, make sure you pucker your lips, then kiss him." "You little..." "Hey Bluey, I got you a little something." Mackenzie gave Bluey a necklace. "Thank you! So what was it you want to talk about." Mackenzie was nervous, but he maned up and said. "Bluey, after all these years I want to know if, if, if, if you will, go, out, with, me, tonight at 6pm?" Bluey looked at him and said. "Sure, you are cute to me, I can't lie." And gave Mackenzie a kiss on the cheek. Mackenzie blushed and Bluey walked away. "That felt good." Mackenzie said. As he walked off looking forward to the end of the day.

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