Chapter-10 [Harry]

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So I saw her near the lockers.She still looked little confused but not because of NUTTELA as the recess was over.I went to her.She just looked at me and said "You look serious!" then Kim and Linda came took her with them.Soon Louis and Kevin came and took me.

Louis asked me in a teasing manner "Waddup guy? You were on her! Trying to...." I replied intruppting him" Keep your mouth shut!I just went to her because she looked little confused or should I say she looked sad." Kevin said "So? Many girls here are sad...look at her she also seems SAD AND CONFUSED! Go get her". They pushed me towards her.That girl when turned,we were shocked.SHE WAS KELLY.

"What are you doing here?"I asked her.

"I still love you Harry and I am sorry for that."she replied crying.

"Sorry?Sorry for what?"

"Um...the New Year eve."

"Stop it..its all over!"

"No its not."

"You are such a DRAMA-QUEEN.By the way what happened to your 7 feet 2inch guy huh?"

"He.."she paused and wiped her tears "The story just got repeated."

"Story?which story?"Louis and kevin joined me.

"What happened wi..with you,ha..ha..happened with me."

Suddenly Kevin said "So now you want our Harry huh?"he paused and again said " I guess you BROKE UP with him.Right Louis?"

"Yeah exactly!just answer me a simple question.What do you want?"

Kelly demanded me *ME!ME? Ughh this girl!*

"No!you can't have him just like that!"a girl shouted near the lockers."Hey wait its JENNY!"said Louis"What are you doing here?"

Without answering him, she joined us.

"He is MINE!"she said in a great anger"How can you even think of it?"

"You B***h!"Kelly shouted loudly making the corridor silent " I told you not to touch him!"

I was confused.What is going on? Did Jenny just say that I belong to her? Neither I propose her nor she proposed me.

"So now you can leave!"Jenny commanded her.

"FINE! I'll see you next time.You.."


"UGHH!!" and she left throwing a chalk on Jenny.


"What was that?" I asked Jenny in the bus.

"That was just to save you from that B***h." she winked and laughed.Kevin and Louis accompanied her.

"So you mean that it was a joke?" I asked .

"Off Course that was a joke!You thought I really love or like you?Nah!You are just my friend."

Our stop came. Without speaking a single word we left for our home.

Author's note:NEXT CHAPTER NEXT DAY!...what do you think about the story so far? Comment and Vote! Please!Also follow me on Instagram!! :) '@thedauntless_directioner28' i'll followback!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2015 ⏰

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