Open Book

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I was going trough my classes, but the whole time i was waiting for lunch. I wanted to confront him, and demand to know what his problem was, though i was probably going to chicken out. But when i actually got to the cafeteria he wasn't there. After lunch i went to biology but he still wasn't there. Well, atleast i have the table all to myself. After school i went grocery shopping, because Charlie wasn't much of a cook. I had taken some food money from the jar. After i had bought the groceries and stocked them up, i went upstairs to do my homework. When i checked my computer i had recieved a few messages from my mom. She was freaking out and i immedietly responded, šo she wouldn't worry. After that i read Wuthering heights and lost track of time. I rushed downstairs and started making dinner.
"Bella?" Who else?
"Hey, dad, welcome home."
"Thanks. What's for dinner?"
"Steak and potatoes."
I finished making everything while he watched TV.
"Smells good, Bell."
We ate in silence for a few minutes.
"So, how did you like school? Have you made any friends?"
"Well, i have a few classes with a girl named Jessica. I sit with her friends at lunch. And there's this boy, Mike, Who is very friendly. Everybody seems pretty nice."
"That must be Mike Newton. Nice kid- nice family. His dad owns the sporting goods store just outside town. He makes a good living off all the backpackers Who come trough here."
"Do you know the Cullen family?"
"Dr. Cullens family? Sure. Dr. Cullen's a great man."
"They... the kids... are a little different. They don't seen to fit in very well at school." Charlie surprised me by looking angry.
"People in this town, Dr. Cullen is a brilliant surgeon Who could probably work in any hospital in the world, make ten times the salary he gets here" he countinued getting louder. "We're Lucky to have him- Lucky that his wife wanted to live in a small town. He's an asset to the community, and all of those kids are well behaved and polite. I had my doubts, when they first moved in, with all those adoptē teenagers. I though we might have some problems with them. Būt they're all very mature- i haven't had one speck of trouble From any of them. That's more than i can say for the children of some folks Who have loved in this town for generations. And they stick together a family should- camping trips every other weekend... Just because they're newcomers, People have to talk."

That was the longest speech i had heard Charlie make. He must feel strongly about what ever People were saying.
"They seemed nice enough to me. I just noticed they kept to themselves. They're all very attractive."
"You should see the doctor," Charlie said lauging. "It's a good thing He's happily married. A lot of the nurses at the hospital have a Hard time being around him."
We finished eating, i washed the dishes and went upstairs to finish my homework.
Edward didn't show for the rest of the week, and i was happy that i had the biology desk all to myself.
Monday morning was colder than usual. After class i walked outside and it was snowing. Ugh.
"Wow, it's snowing."
"Ew." Snow. There went my good day.
"Don't you like snow?"
"No. That means it's too cold for rain. Besides, i though it was supposed to come down in flakes."
"Haven't you ever seen snow fall before?"
"Sure i have. On TV."
Mike laughwd and then a snow ball hit him. I didn't want to get hit so i walked away.
After a few more classes i went to the lunchroom and got in line. When i looked at the tabline in the corner there were five People. Jessica pulled my arm.
"Hello? Bella? What do you want?"
"Nothing, i'll get a soda."
"Aren't you hungry?"
"Actually i feel a little sick."
I went with them to the table and was slowly sipping my soda. I decided to look at the Cullens. They were laughing with snow melting in their hair.
"Bella what are you staring at?"
I instantly stopped looking. After a while Jessica giggled.
"Edward Cullen is staring at you."
"He dosen't look angry, does he?"
"No, should he be?"
"I dont think he likes me."
"The Cullens don't like anybody.. well they don't notice anybody enough to like them.But He's still staring at you. "
"Stop looking at him."
After lunch i finally went to the biology classroom. The table was still empty. Then i heard that the chair beside me moved.
"Hello." his voice was musical and soft like velvet. I looked up at his face, it was friendly.
"My name is Edward Cullen. I didn't have a chance to introduce myself last week. You must be Bella Swan."
"How do you know my name?"
"Oh i think everyone knows your name."
"No, i meant, why did you call ne Bella?"
"Do you prefer Isabella?"
"No, i like Bella, but i think Charlie must call me Isabella behind my back, That's what everyone seems to know me as."
We stopped talking. The teacher told us to start working. We shared the microscope, and worked together. We kept talking also about other things.
"Slide three?" he asked. There was something wrong with his eyes, something dark suddenly appearing around them.
"Yeah,uh,i think there's something wrong with your eyes." He suddenly turned away.
"Oh, yeah,it's nothing."
After a minute he turned back. When we finished, we had free time to talk. He asked me about my Mother and why i moved here.
"Am i annoying you?" he asked
"Not exactly. I'm more annoyed at myself. My face is so easy to read-my Mother always calls me her open book."
"On the contrary i find you very difficult to read."
"You must be a good reader then."
When the Bell rang he rushed out again.
I got to my truck and a Toyota was blocking my way. I got mad and looked at Edwards volvo, in which he was laughing, at me.

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