Part 3: People

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A bit of this is a debate I had with my dad. Yes, these are the kind of conversations I have with my dad. Jealous?😋😇

Part 3

Today's fine topic will be about people. Such complicated creatures we are. The question of the day is: if we didn't have laws, would chaos reign over all? This is a theory that many have. I personally disagree. Not because I think we're that sophisticated, but because all animals have a certain pattern to survive, or rules. Laws are just an evolution of such behavior. Killing each other decreases our population, and is just bad in our minds; the law says you can't kill people. We want to do anything to help our survival, which is a natural behavior. Laws are just to increase our chances of survival. We are not a naturally dominating animal, so we had to evolve to become more "civilized" with more rules. With no laws we would still have rules, spoken or unspoken. Yes, there would certainly be a bit more chaos, but those who caused too much havoc would be dysfunctional. All animals want to survive. It's second nature; our instinct.

Now, people. I quite enjoy people watching. We make the most idiotic decisions for the strangest reasons. We're so flawed, I find it rather beautiful. It's rather difficult to explain my fascination with others, we just... we make so many mistakes. We're illogical, impractical. We behave outrageously based on random emotions. We all have strange little quirks that make us unique. We're so different, yet so similar. And we always seem to hide ourselves. If you watch closely, though, people aren't very good at it. Just the way someone talks and their first response to different things can tell you a lot. People are fragile. We break with careless words. But we're so strong. It's amazing that with all the mental/emotional damage we are subject to, we endure. Beautiful.

Heeey. I'm not very committed to regular updates, but I decided that its been a while, and I should post one about now. Prepare for months of radio silence on this story-thingy. COMMENT! Thank you for reading. 😀😜

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