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Kamino Medical Report
Case File 0000
Subject: CT-9918

Trainer: Sen To

Classification: CT
Number: 9918
Designation: Sigma
Status: Alive
Rank: Cadet
Age: 12 standard years
Sex: Female
Genetic Enhancements: [REDACTED]
Genetic Defects: Piebaldism
Training: [REDACTED]
Additional Information: Due to its genetic defect, CT-9918 presents patches of lighter skin that can be found all over its body (particularly visible around the eyes, on the face, and along the neck) and patches of white hair (streaks along the sides of its face). These defects have no effect on CT-9918's performance and development. No treatment is to be administered.

Kamino Medical Report
Case File 0000
Subject: Omega

Trainer: Nala Se

Classification: [REDACTED]
Number: [REDACTED]
Designation: Omega
Status: Alive
Rank: Cadet
Age: 12 standard years
Sex: Female
Genetic Enhancements: [REDACTED]
Genetic Defects: Blonde hair
Training: [REDACTED]
Additional Information: [REDACTED]

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