chapter 11: happy training day?

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I woke up in mothers dimension like i always do when i go to sleep but this time it was different, normally i would just see a white void with mother in front of me but this time i saw a black void and mother was laying on the ground unable to move

”mother.. are you ok” i asked even tho i knew that i wouln’t get a good response or maybe even no response at all

”Y/N LISTEN TO ME” i heard a low male voice say ”I WILL KILL YOU, YOUR SISTER AND THE QUEEN” at this point i was getting scared and started shaking a little bit ”who are you!” i screamed ”your worst nightmare” he said while his voice slowly faded away

Then everything went back to how it usually was, a withe void with mother standing infront of me, she was completely unharmed like nothing had happened in the first place

She saw that i was shaking and asked me what was wrong ”you.. wha- h-how ...” was all i could say, i was in to much shock to speak correctly ”is everything ok l/n” (i am so sorry i just realized that i used miss on accident i wanted to make this gender nutural but i failed, i swear i will try not to mess up again)

”Y-you where d-dead” i managed to say ”i still am... hahahhahahHAHAHAHAH” her face started to melt and i was scared for my life, the void uderneath me then started to turn black again

But then i woke up... i had a nightmare. ”mother are you there” i asked her ”yes i am, is something wrong” she responded wich made me feel relieved ”i just had a nightmare” i said ”about what” she asked worried  ”you were dead and then i heard a voice say creepy stuf like it would kill me” ”l/n... i believe that the dragon is trying to mess with you, it has found a way to communicate with you” ”so what do i do!”

”you could try to enter my realm again, see if it works this time and If it doesn’t remember its all a dream” she explained, i don’t know how but i was kinda tired so i fell asleep easily, to my and mothers suprise i woke up in her realm

”we need to get you to train your strength immediately, after the dragon has taken down most of the guards it wil most likely come trough a portal to this planet to try and kill you”

”can’t my sister defeat him”
”she probably could but she is currently in a coma, the dragons did a lot of damage to her..”
why didn’t you tell me that sooner!”
”i didn’t want to worry you”

Since i needed to prepare to fight (just in case something bad happens) i would train for a week every night, i eventually got really good mother said that i could surpass my sister in a few weeks if i kept it up

500 word checkpoint

It was now 6 days later i got multiple test wich involved d-class but none with other scp’s, oh wait isn’t today my birthday... yey! I don’t know how to respond but all i know is that i’m going to get my horns and tail.. or wings they are also a option

I woke up and got greeted with a certain person wich i call mother telling me that it was currently 6 am aka 1 hour before breakfast, i actually wasn’t hungry wich was a suprise to me since i am always in the mood for food

”mother is it strange that i’m not feeling hungry” i asked her ”no, not at all. On the day a demon turns 12 all human food will become extremely poisonous and you will not be hungry for a full day” she explained ”that seems reasonable... WAIT i won’t be able to eat for a full day!” ”yes..”

A hour had passed and the d-class came in with food but i said i didn’t need food today, it was extremely sad but it had to be done. The guards then came in the room and escorted the d-class out

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