Chapter 5

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I hit the ground and slid on my back, it didn't hurt though, the only thing it did hurt was my feelings. I was six, I stood up my cheeks red with anger, my hands balled up by my side. I looked up to see Gohan still hovering in the sky, "No fair!! You promised you wouldn't use any energy blasts Gohan!!"

"I know what I promised, but you can't expect your enemies to keep their word. Ever."

I puffed up my cheeks, like I always did when I got angry. I fell down and sat Indian style with my hands in my lap, I lowered my head and grumbled in displeasure.

"What was that?" I heard a laugh from Gohan.

I looked up just as quick as he asked me, " You're not my enemy! You're my big brother, you are supposed to keep your promises!"

Gohan landed on the ground in front of me, "I just want you to be prepared Tash. I don't want to see you get hurt. I could never live with myself if anything happened to you." He ruffled my hair, then sat down next to me, "I think that's enough for today anyways." He laid back with his hands behind his head.

I laid back as well, "Gohan..."


"Can you make a promise?"

"Of course I can," He laughed some, "and I'll keep this promise this time."

"You promise to always be there for me?" I looked up at him.

He looked back to me and smiled, "I promise." He ruffled my hair again.

I woke up. I was sitting in a chair next to Gohan, he had been sleeping awhile. Trunks was at the table, his head laying on it, sleeping. Gohan constantly tossed and turned, like he was having a nightmare. He winced,

"Where are those androids?!"

He was still sleeping as he screamed out that, I sighed, and I got up to go to Bulma so she could switch out my bandages on my head, and band-aids on my face.


"Yes, dear?"

"You think you can switch out my bandages for me?"

"Sure." She got up from her computer, and started to take the old ones off, "You got something on your mind Tasha?"

"Hmm? N-No. Why would think that?"

Bulma sighed, "You and Trunks both think I was born yesterday, don't you? I know you have something on your mind because you are perfectly capable of changing your bandages yourself."


"Well, what do you want to talk about? " Bulma asked me sitting down to take off the bandages around my head.

"It's just that," I sighed and clenched my fists on top of my lap, " I feel useless, completely useless! Gohan lost his arm because of MY reckless behavior! Then I wasn't even strong enough to even help him! I was knocked out cold in five seconds! If only I wouldn't have let my anger get the better of me, if only I was a little bit stronger, if only I-" Bulma ripped a band-aid off my cheek, I winced.

" If only, If only! Tasha Son you are NOT useless! You are only thirteen for crying out loud! You don't realise just how powerful you already are? Gohan, no, not even Goku were as strong and determined as you are at your age!"

"If I'm so strong and determined, then why couldn't I prevent my older brother from losing his arm!" My head lowered and I looked at my balled up fists, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell.

Bulma reached out and laid her hand on my clenched fists, "It's okay. Tasha, you can't blame yourself for what happened to Gohan. If you want to blame anyone, blame those darn androids."

Bulma finished up changing my bandages, "Thank you Bulma." I hugged her.

"You're welcome sweetie."

I walked back to where I was before to find Trunks and Gohan talking. Not only that, Gohan was, was standing up!

"Gohan!" I ran and hugged him with tears in my eyes.

Gohan laughed and wrapped his arm around me, "Hey what's with the tears? You seem like you thought I was dying!"

"Sorry, but you can't expect me not to worry Gohan. You're my big brother." I smiled, "I'm just happy you're okay."

The Two from the FutureHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin