chapter 1: The Misfits:

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"AJ!, Joni!, A'joni!". "AUGHH!" I jump up.
"Really Kai! What did I tell you guys!" I flutter my eyes. "OH HUSH! We're late for training. I was trying to help you." she says while walking around with eyeliner in her hand."You should be thankful." She says.  I sigh. "Thank you sooooo much Kai". "DONT CALL ME THAT". Thats my friend her name is Kailee but she goes by kai. People often pronounce her name wrong. Its pronounce Kai-lee. People often say kay-lee. She hates the name anyways. She's my bff and she has been since we were born.She is a very  calm and quiet person mess with her and she might just snap though.We have the same birthday and No we aren't twins. We just happened to be born on the same year and day.
On the other hand I'm A'joni . I'm 16 , I'm a very adventurous person and absolutely loves to dance. My friends call me the rebel of the group. Its because I'd do just about anything, No matter what.
"Whats up Aj!"
"Hey Joni"
"Yoooo A'joni"
Yells 3 boys in the hallway.
Thats Jonty,Leo, and Zion.
Jonty is the fun and athletic one.
Leo is the smart one
Zion is the crazy one
They have all been my bff from jump since kindergarten. Me and kai.
And there's ida. She's the artist and the one who could careless.
She is me and kai's bff also.
As far as I could remember it has always been the six of us. Everyone knows us as the misfits because we simply live life with no cares. And because we have a bond bigger than life.
We all get our powers from a young age and then at some point we start our trainings. Unlike me. Who hasn't never been in control of my powers. Its always been black glow of red lighting and sparks. I dont know what it is or how to control it. But each person has one. Its all by color.

Red, You have the ability to control whoever you want.

Blue, You can extend your physical ability from strength to smarts.

Green, You have nature power.

Yellow, You can control fire and heat.

White, You can control water and ice.

But, me? I have black and sometimes I have all five colors. It changes every day. Kai is yellow. Ida is red. Jonty is blue. Zion is White. Leo is Green.

I can't control it and when I get mad my unknown abilities get triggered.
Doctors say i'm "special" litterally no one ever had something like me but that really makes it worst because there's probably no one way to fix it.

"Oww!" I said
"Watch where your going, misfit!"
That's Julianna she is the school bully and is always trying to compete with me on who's best. We used to be friends until she took me to the city water dam. And she tried to push me off. She was mad because she thinks I took Jonty from her. They used to date but they broke up. But were really just friends... I think.
"OH. So you can walk like a drunk blind man, but its my fault?"

"I mean you are broken. Miss. Black lighting."

I froze. In shock and all I felt was uncontrollable, bold, electric energy.
Sparks of black began to flash around me. As everyone stood back slowly. I accidentally shocked Julianna... across the school.

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