Chapter 3: The crooked

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"Here we are." I smiled.
I unlock the door.
"Omg! This doll is so old we haven't play with this since we were in 2nd grade." Kai said.

"Imagine. Were in 10th grade now! That just such a big difference." I laughed

"So what is this place?" Said jonty
"You may not like it... ya know since it's old. And broken. " I walked off to my old bedroom.

"So is anyone gonna tell us what happened?" Said ida

"Ugh!" Yelled jonty as he stomped out.

"Well tell us kai! Start from the beginning kai." Said Leo

"Jonty was mad at aj for hurting Julianna! And he called her broken! And now she is mad! And it's totally valid for her to be! He's lucky she didn't blast him! " said Kai.

" Well Zion...Leo. Go talk to Jonty before we do! Because he might not make it at this rate." Said ida

"OK OK." Said Zion
"Might not make it at this rate" leo mocked.
"I HEARD YOU LEO! You want your girlfriend mad at you too ? Because I will go off right now if you don't go talk to Jonty. " Said kai.
"Dang... Dude got caught" Laughed ZION
"I-." said aidyn "sorry!"
"OH its you guys. I know you out here to talk to me. Look, I know I was wrong. I just don't know how to fix it."said Jonty.
"Haha!"laughs Leo
"OK I'll try. But we all know. Aj isn't gonna except." Said jonty "lets go-"
"Go! Inside hurry!" Said Leo.
I walked out of my room.
"I- Why are yall locking us in this cabin." I said
"Because one of those black and blue things fell into the front lawn." Said Jonty.

The roof creaks.
"Everyone go to the closet" said Kai.
Jonty tries to pull me in the closet. But I brush his hand off.
The front door opens and everyone hides in the closet.
"Listen Aj. I'm sorry. And You're awesome. Your'e not broken, Your'e just special. And I'm happy to be your friend. And I Apologize for what I said" said jonty
"Awll!" said Kai and ida
"Can yall do this when there isn't a monster in the cabin" said Leo.
"SHUSH!" Said Kai and ida
"It's fine. And if you like Julianna then, I support you." I said.

The monster walks closer to the closet.
"OK time to escape. Yall might wanna hold on." Said Leo as he taps his foot on the ground.

We all slide thru tunnels underground that lead to the lake.

"Jonty!"I yelled
"Huh?" Said jonty

We all fell into the lake.

Jonty bursts out of the water."AJ! AJ! A'JONI!"he sees me floating on a log.
"Omg Aj are you ok!" HE Says frantically
I pretend to die.
He looks back to see everyone staring. He looks back at me.
"Boo!"I laughed." It was a joke but keep saying what you were saying about me."

"PFFT HAHA!" Leo and aidyn laugh.
"Ha ha. Not funny. What we need is to swim to a camp site or something." Said jonty.

"OH yea and Leo next time you use your nature powers to get us somewhere. Make sure it lead to land and not a lake." Jonty said.
"OK but, A Thanks for saving our life leo! Would have been nicer." Said leo

"Awll thank you, Leo ." Said kai.
"You welcome, Kai " said Leo

" Ew. Can yall not?" I said.
"Why you don't treat me like that?" Said jonty
"BOY BYE"I exclaimed.
"Its ok not everyone can be like me." Said Leo
" And plus you made it clear we ain't dating. Since you so busy with Julianna and all." I said as I swam back to land.
" Someone sounds jealous" Said jonty as he follows me.
Ida, Kai, Leo, and Zion swim in shock.
" JEALOUS?! Child please no one can be jealous of that evil spawn." I exclaimed.

" Sounds like jealousy" said Leo
Zion uses his powers and pours water on Leo.
" Dude. Not cool." Said Zion.
I walk away.
" You guys, I got another alert." Said Ida
" Rouge news says Theae creature are attracted to the bi-oxicarbon in the DNA and blood of powered people. And can sense it from a mile away. They have great speed and are dangerous. Their called the plague. Find shelter and hide. The rogue have search teams to find survivor. Every week there will be one team to find 10 survivors. One team, each week." Says Kai shakily.

" Guys we got to go!" Said Zion frantically.
" WE should go into town and get guns and supply and food from the markets. Then we find shelter." Said Leo
"And what makes you think we can just go in and take stuff?" I ask.
" A'joni... it's a invasion. Why would people be tryna protect a store instead of at home? Exactly now let's go." Said Leo
After 30 minutes of walking me made it. To woodmore town center. They have food stores and gun stores.

Jonty Yells "I think we should split up. Groups of 3. So Ida and Zion look for guns , Leo and kai look for food, and.... me and A'joni look for transportation like a car. Cool?"

"Sure but weak attempt to get alone time with A'joni." Kai laughs
" What? Me? Pfft! Nooo. I just think we make a great team. As friends. " Jonty awkwardly smiles.
" Alright let's go before you embarrass yourself even more." I said
Everyone walks apart. Me and Jonty enter the parking garage.
"Sooo..." Jonty says stretching his words.
"So?" I said
"So about what I said at the lake-" Said Jonty
I say cutting him off." I didn't mean it."
" Of course I did. And I'm not lying when I say... I really do like you, A'joni." Said Jonty

I'm stunned. To think he actually likes me.

" Well..?" Said jonty.
" I think we should be friends" I exclaimed.
"Oh... ok." Jonty says sadly.
" I'm joking. I like you too." I said.
" YOU DO!?" says Jonty
" Yea. Are you gonna ask?" I said enthusiastically
" Ask what?- OH! Uh... A'joni. Will you be my girlfriend?" He said hopefully.
" Yess!" I said as we hugged.
" So... let's hurry up and find this car so I can rub this in the boys faces." He says
" Okay." I say laughing.
We find a big suv. Which happened to have keys in it. I was bound to get stolen just happy we found it first. As we driving to Ida and Leo they hop in and throw the guns in the back.
Ida coughs.
"Could yall have gotten a van that doesn't smell like a Porta potty-" Ida pauses as she notices Jonty holding the wheel with his left hand but holding my hand with his right.
"Um Aj? When did this happen?" Ida whispers.
" I few minutes ago. He asked me out earlier." I said happily.
" I'm happy for you. But if he hurts you. I will mind control him to fall into a volcanoe." Said Ida
" I can hear you..." Said Jonty.
Ida gives him a mean glare.

" Jonty , Man you work fast!". Said Zion.
" Not everyone can be like me." Jonty laughs.
Thud! Thud! THUD!

We see a big black monster emerge. With no eye. And a sharp body.
"Everyone shush!" I whisper.
Jonty slowly reverse.
Then it charges at us!

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