Chapter 2: Venture hall

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Its been 3 days since the Julianna incident. My best friends  been protecting me from the rumors...except Jonty. But we have to go to school today so I guess I'll try and hold up.

As I walk into school everyone looks at me.  My heart stops. Those stares were sharp enough to cut my neck.

"How dare you. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" Said jonty
"Do what?" I said quietly
"Why would you hurt Julianna! She did nothing wrong"
"Jonty- you of all people know I cant control my powers!" I cried.

"Well you should! I don't care how broken you are!"
At that moment I learned that words can hurt. I felt like I couldn't breath. So I ran.

" Aj wait! I'm sorry!" Yelled jonty as he  tried to grab my hand.
"LET GO!" I ran.

"Wait Aj-" yelled Jonty. I don't know who poisoned you into this attitude but lose it before you talk to A'joni....EVER AGAIN!" Yelled Kai.

I ran into the woods. And after when I calmed down. But something was wrong I felt the earth...vibrating. The trees and ground were shaking. I turned around and all my friend were looking at me.

"Omg! , Are you ok Aj?" asked ida.
" Do you feel that?" said Leo
"Yea I do, whats happening?" said Zion

BOOM! We see fire and smoke bursting from the towns and cities.

I look at my phone to see new broadcasts about unnatural acts.

"What are these things?" Said Zion



"Where?" Said jonty
Kai and I looked at each other.
"Venture hall." said Kai and I.
"Come on lets go" said Kai

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