Chapter 3: Pastel Blue

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"See, what did I say about you trying to get rid of me easily" Lucky smiled and teased.

" In all honesty, I'm not even sure how you managed this so far" said Chloe " I would have literally left you behind in the bus the minute I" , she emphasized the 'I' sternly, "stepped in the bus"

"Chloooeee, I said I was sorry already. Besides it was the bus drivers fault anyways." said Bluey apologetically.

" Oh, I'm not blaming you at all Bluey. I'm blaming them...Lucky and Mackenzie, more Mackenzie for zoning out earlier and Lucky because...." she stopped, looking at the two boys mentioned with a pointed look, " just because" she huffed.

'Hmm, guess it was my fault too for trying to greet Mackenzie' she thought. I mean she hadn't seen him at all during summer break and occasionally interchanged text message during. So, she was a bit worried he was doing okay. Last she saw him, he was sweating and in a rush to leave.

"Anyways, I've gotta check on Bingo and let her know where to meet me after school" Bluey motioned towards were her sister and friend were talking. " I'll catch up to you inside on the teacher list".
Bluey headed towards her sister. She couldn't believe Bingo was this old already. A week ago they were still playing the games that's as children they would play. It was a confusing time for both of them and of course a more confusing battle they had to face.
"Ah! Bluey, I was just going to go over and ask you where to meet you after school? Said Bingo, making Bluey forget what she was thinking about.
" Hmmm, how about we meet by where the bus left us this morning, " she pointed towards it. "I mean it would be easier to just meet there. If anything, we just text each other if we are late or something." Shrugging she walked towards Bingo. Raising her arms, she took ahold of her sister and squeezed- hugged her hard.
"Bluuueeeeeeyyyy, you're hurting me!" Exclaimed Bingo, "it feels like you're trying to tell me something too. " she then heard a sniffle. "Wait,hey.... No Bluey.... Oh no, stop you're going to make me feel bad too!!!"
"I'm sorry, I can't help it. You're this big now. Honestly, we were just playing pirates yesterday too."
"Bluey.... I love you big sister."
At that Bluey, felt sad... But it wasn't you're typical sad. It was this sadness with accepting that she was growing up. Happiness mixed in there too.
"Huh, " she thought, " is this what mum felt this morning."
Bingo then hugged her back and gave her, her big smile.
They both agreed on where to meet and headed to their respective places.

As Bluey walked in hallways, she recalled the last two years.... How in each she was excitedly nervous. How in each class curiosity was inspired or the fun they had during class transitions or hour. She loved ever aspect of it. Murmurs in the hallway always let her abay.
It was like walking through memories...
Which remind her.... Her worries she had this last summer.
She always had her friends in mind... But one was always making her worry recently... Mackenzie.

**************************************FLASHBACK TO PREVOUS YEAR
It all started last year when she had to cut her hair short. Thanks to a bubble gum incident with Socks that it was decided that some of her hair had to be chopped off. Of course, she was sad about it. Reluctant to chop her hair that had grown well past her shoulder blades. She loved how she could style it braids and long ponytails. As well as play with Bingo that she had grown a mustache, unlike her father who had little to no facial hair. However, it was during the winter break that the unforgettable event happened. Helping her cope with it for a few days before heading back to school. Rolling in the week of school, she had decided to wear her hair under her beanie... Only leaving a tuft that represent her bangs out. Of course, everyone was asking why she had the beanie, since it was really weird for her to have one, since she clipped her hair back during the winters and kept her hair down. It was either that or she braided while wearing a really thick scarf that literally could cover her entire face. She had both on, the beanie and the scarf... Unknowingly making her friends and BFF's obviously worried. They kept asking and re-asking making sure. To which the same answer came back with a slightly encouraged smile.
"Huh, no nothing. " she would reply.
And multiple times the whole week.
It went on for like about a month. Close to spring around the corner and the warm weather hitting in.
Until one day, out of dare that Mackenzie and Lucky had, in which to Mackenzie had lost to. Lucky managed to make him do his bidding. Of course instinctively, due to seeing his friend neighbor look a little down for the past few weeks. He had decided to make her cheer up in his own way with taking off that beanie. Obviously unaware of the entire situation that went down a couple of weeks ago.
"I dare you to take Bluey's beanie off"
"Seriously, just that? "
"Yeah... Actually, when we hang out at her house... She doesn't take it off... And let me tell you, that place is warm, warm."
"Huh, yeah. Even Chloe, Winnie and Indy can't make her tell them what is up with her and that beanie. Even I'm confused, by this weather she would have the scarf being used as a jump rope"
"Yup.... is up to you man"
"Fine, but if I get in trouble... You're going down with me"
It was then that Mackenzie, at full running speed, headed towards Bluey. Who by her part and the rest were unaware of the situation that was going to evolve.
Bluey at that point felt the small cold breeze and the sheer panic of being discovered in the warm place that was left behind by her beanie.
Everyone just stared.
Then they realized it.
BISCUITS!!!! Bluey was discovered.
"Ummm... Yeah... I just.... I..." Bluey stuttered.
"You look ADORABLE!!!" Her friends exclaimed.
What.... She thought.
I really don't....
" Um. Girls... I really don't. Besides, I can't do much with it. "
"What do you mean you can't, " said Indy. "Funny, I brought extra hair bands today... Let's get you braided!" She pulled the bands, stretching them and showing them off
At that, Bluey felt grateful for her friends. However... Who was the one who pulled her beanie off?
At that as if Chloe was thinking the same thing... She yelled at two people.
Well, of course they did.... And Bluey didn't blame them, they were all worried about the beanie situation. Both apologize... Well Lucky did. Mackenzie just stood there... Stammering an apology, turned bright as a tomato red, and left running... Apologizing as he went.
Anyways, Bluey was relieved. Lucky brought her juice, Chloe saved the beanie from a running Mackenzie, and both Winnie and Indy did her hair that day.

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