Sweet manipulative girlfriend X Paranoid jealous lover

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I pressed my palm in the bench behind me as I sat down on it, basking myself in the warm sunlight as I close my eyes and thought about some things.

Why isn't it enough for me?

It makes me so bored when my lovers don't get jealous. When they don't have that deep desperation to be with me. When I don't see the frenzied expressions in their faces.

I want someone who need to be with me.

Someone who will bombard me with questions when I'm even remotely late.

Someone who will throw tantrums and get crazy jealous when they see me with someone else.

Someone who will break without me.

I need that someone for me to love.

And just when I thought I'll never find someone after heaps and heaps of relationships. I found him. Kelan Irav.

The corner of my lips tilted up when I thought of my adorable lover. We met during during a business convention. I as an employee and him as the mayor's son. He was there to award the top ranking companies in our city at the absence of his father. And the moment that I saw how his eyes shamelessly followed me around.

I have a hunch..... that he'll be that someone for me to love.

And it did turn out just like that.

When one day he showed up in my work, wearing those close-fitting suit, looking all gorgeous and manly, and asked me earnestly. "Can I take you out for dinner?" And I saw how his eyes lingered on me for a long time without batting an eye. My eyes, my lips, my entire face and down to my body. As if he can't get enough of me. As if he wants to swallow me whole.

And I gave him the sweetest smile while replying "Of course".

That was the start of our beautiful romance.

Two months after we're officially dating. A colleague of mine invited me to go to his house to sort out the bills and documents that we'll need tomorrow. I really want to go with him but it's not convenient since it's a 2 hour drive from Kellan's house, we're not living together at that time but since it's the weekend tomorrow I decided to spend my 2 day off with him.

So back to what I was saying, after I declined my colleague, Paul. He said that we should just do it in the company if it's not convenient for me. Even though it's not as comforting as his house. We just laughed it off and started approving some papers.

"Oh Olivia my boyfriend is totally going to kill me, it's past 1 already." Paul flail his arm around as he waited for his boyfriend's response to his calls.

After he said that I remembered that I forgot to text Kellan that I'll be late. I hurriedly said goodbye to Paul as soon as I realized that I have over 50 missed calls from Kellan and 20 voice mails.

It all started very sweet like "Liv, I miss you so much, still working or baby when will you be back?" Then it it suddenly changed to "Go home now Olivia I'm not joking go home or I'll drag you here myself."

I didn't feel scared at his messages. It even excited me. Although I really forgot to text him, I've been provoking him for some time now. I know he must be livid.

I want those scared, paranoid and possessive eyes on me.

"Where have you been?" The moment I entered his penthouse, he suddenly faced me with a stern face. Of course that didn't deter me to say the truth.

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