the day we met

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A/N, chuuyas trauma and bullying and home life is based off of mine so please do not make fun of it

the first day of 11th grade, could never be more depressing then hearing or even thinking those words. going to school was always hell for the short boy.

goddammit, the stupid popular guy who thinks hes everything
"see this chuuya" he says with an evil grin
"yea its brown paint what the fuck about it"
"it matches your personailty dont ya think" snickeres come from the classmates, all but one.

dazai was a transfer student, hes been quiet and always staring at chuuya with his fem figure, chuuya was not having it at all that day. he decided to talk to the tall brunette.

"hey bandage freak what are you fucking staring at"
"just those pretty eyes you have"

'so hes a cocky mf huh'

"tch" was all that was heard from the ginger

the rest of the day they had all thier classes together which seemed odd the chuuya. all he felt was stares from the taller male and it creeped him out. Mr fukuzawa was absent so Mr.mori stepped in and dazai jolted up as soon as he entered. Mori gave a slight smile to the class with piercing eyes towards dazai. chuuya didnt let that go unoticed.

it was lunch time and chuuya decided to sit with dazai instead of akutagawa and kajii.

"so bandaged freak whats with you and the sub"

he didnt respond

"im talking to you freak"


"be that way"

chuuya went to stand when he felt a tug at his jacket and he looked back to see his frighnted eyes widened with complete and utter fear.
chuuya also didnt let that go unnoticed and grabbed the taller male and left school.


dazai let out a breath he didnt know he was holding when they entered chuuyas house after sneaking in.
they were upstairs and dazai finally started talking.

"do not and i mean do not ever get close to mori, he will ruin you and ruin your health and manipulate you. do not trust him"

chuuya was rather surprised at that statement but beilived him.

he let dazai sleep on his bed for the night while he slept on the floor. hoping to god he wouldnt have a nightmare.

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