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'Never lie to someone who trusts you. Never trust someone who lies to you.'


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chapter fourteen
urgent meeting

"There was another attempt to infiltrate the ministry," began Dumbledore, taking a dramatic pause in between. "in the broad daylight."

Loud gasps echoed through the room as Dumbledore studied every person's reaction, pausing on Alicia's, who looked like she would be anywhere but there.

"Voldemort is getting impatient." He continued. "Either today's attempts were to get to Harry or to get the weapon."

"By the time it happened, Harry was out of the ministry." informed Kingsley.

"It indeed could have been a mere mismanagement of time, but it will be stupid to believe so." said Dumbledore.

"What exactly happened?" asked Arthur as everybody's ears perked up, eager to hear what exactly happened to cause this urgent meeting.

"Barely after ten minutes you and Harry had left, there was a huge commotion on the level four. Jonathan Hughes, head of the beast control division, accidentally left hundreds of Billwigs in the open. As you know that the sting of billwig levitates the person, soon the levitating people on level four attracted the whole ministry, leaving a clear way to get inside the department of mysteries, although it would have been useless, nevertheless concerning. But, fortunately, the aurors were alerted on time but they were unsuccessful in catching the intruder." explained Dumbledore.

"I was there when it happened." spoke up Alicia, turning all the attention to her. "In fact I was talking with the minister when an employee busted in, informing about the whole billywig thing."

"Did you notice anything?"

"I waited for some time, but remembering that this would be happening, I followed to the Hall of Prophecies where the Minister was. He was worried, but still trying to convince himself that it was just a misunderstanding."

"Perhaps it would have been better if you would have informed us beforehand."

"I knew it wouldn't benefit them in any way, so I figured out it wasn't really a necessary incident."

Several people hummed at her statement, thankful that their months' efforts didn't go wasted only because Voldemort was getting impatient.

"Very well, the meeting ends here." dismissed Dumbledore as people began to murmur amongst themselves with a few of them already leaving, apparently in a hurry.

"Why did he end the meeting abruptly?" asked Tonks, who was sitting next to Alicia, gaining the other witch's attention.

"I don't know." She shrugged cluelessly, honestly finding Dumbledore's behaviour suspicious.

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