°Chapter 2°

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"So I just have to meditate?" asked Alex, enjoying the warm wind which blew her hair into her face. "Not quite, it's not that easy. You have to be really relaxed and focused. That's the only way you can travel in your subconscious.""And how do I make sure I don't travel before I go to sleep and when I wake up?""Oh that! You just have to breathe in the smell of concentrated lavender and nothing will happen," Alita said, to which Alex snorted. It all fit, in fact. Lavender had always been her favorite plant. "Lavender? Seriously?"Alita nodded and pointed to the field. Alex noticed that most of the flowers were of lavender. Even the air smelled faintly of it. "Anything else I should know?" the girl asked. She quickly dodged a bee, which flew dangerously close to her."I can still explain to you how to travel from here back to the real world."Alex nodded and looked at Alita expectantly. "You have to think of your happiest moment out there."She hadn't expected that. Dumbfounded, she stared at the woman sitting next to her, looking far into the distance. Looking again at the horizon, she frowned. The happiest moment, then? Alex didn't have to think long, but just thinking about that moment made her heart tighten painfully. Her father had rented an old VW bus for Aslas 16th birthday and surprised her with it. Even Mum had been amazed. Together like before, they had simply driven off. They had played loud music, laughed and sang along. Later they had gone to the beach and watched the sunset and eaten a cake together. Warmth and a feeling she had thought she would not feel again soon, joy, flooded her body. Ready to return, she closed her eyes and when she opened them again, a salty tear ran down her cheek. She sighed and looked at the clock. Only two minutes had passed. So time passed differently in her subconscious, Alex realized. While she had been talking to Alita, she had made a decision. She would go to that shitty school. Alita had told her how dangerous her skill could be, especially if she didn't learn to use it soon. Even though Alex definitely didn't want to go to that school, she didn't really have any other choice, so she went to her mother to tell her about her decision.


"Ahhh! Why is this so hard?" exclaimed Alex in frustration, dropping to the floor in exhaustion. The last three hours, she had been desperately trying to travel to Alita, but this was harder than she thought. Tired, she closed her eyes, her arms bent and casually supporting her head. Her body relaxed and Alex noticed how she slowly dozed off. She smelled gasoline and opened her eyes. She had done it, even if it hadn't been on purpose. Alex didn't care and when she got up and looked around, she spotted Alita, who was sitting and sleeping leaning against a rock wall. Carefully she approached the shadow creature and blew into her right ear. Alex had to laugh when she startled and gave her a nasty look. "Was that necessary?" asked Alita, rolling her eyes but smiling. "Of course, you slept so deeply, as if you had just eaten a whole pig," Alex said, to which both of them laughed. After they calmed down again, they started training together. Alita didn't know anything about Alex's skill, but how to stab someone with knives, shoot with guns and use your fists were exactly her thing. At first Alex didn't stand a chance, but after a few hours she got better and even managed to snatch the knife out of her hand once. "Wow, you're better than expected!" said Alita, looking at her student who was leaning on her knees, exhausted. "Thanks," Alex said, trying to ignore her aching lungs. The stuffy air made the workout even more exhausting. Alex wished she had a nicer center. "Let's take a break, you've earned it. Do you think you can make it back tomorrow?", asked Alita. Alex shrugged her shoulders. "I'll try." Alita nodded with satisfaction. There were still seven days until Alex left and until then she had to teach her what she could. They had decided that she should only travel to Alita in school in case of emergencies. After a few minutes, the two started all over again until Alex was so exhausted that she almost traveled back to her real world. Alita was very pleased with her student and let her go home after long hours. Because of the time difference, Alex hardly missed anything and could hide her travels from her mother. She would only worry unnecessarily and Alex didn't feel the need to talk about her skill, which she herself didn't understand yet. Supposedly she was capable of much more, but again no one could tell her exactly what for. The further days all passed similarly. In her subconscious, which she called Tartarus (Alex had clearly read too much Percy Jackson), she trained with Alita and then rested in her world. She found it easier and easier to travel between the two worlds. Her muscles ached and her bruises became more and more and most of the time she slept like a rock, even without having any dreams. The day before she left, Alita took Alex aside for a moment. "So, how do you feel?" she asked, to which Alex just shrugged her shoulders. "You'll see, you'll get much stronger that way!" said Alita. "I hope so otherwise I'll leave again.", said Alex."I don't know much about your world, but I'm sure it will help you for those Agencys too, right?"   "It will, but I don't want to go to those anyway," said Alex. "Okay and why?" asked Alita, looking at Alex with interest. She hadn't really understood yet why she was so strongly against Agencys and the whole system.Alex brushed a strand behind her ear, which had fallen out of her braid. "My sister was a famous Changier, but she died in a mission two years ago," Alex told her. Alita expected to see sadness in her eyes, but was surprised when she saw anger flashing in them. "She was in an agency, wasn't she?"The girl nodded. "Okay! But you still can't get rid of your Skill so learn to accept it!" said Alita to which Alex looked at her in amazement. Most people didn't understand Alex's hatred for these organizations. They had repeatedly tried to change her mind, but being a shadow apparently did make a difference. Gratefully she smiled at Alita and felt how much she enjoyed being with her. After a week of intense training, the two had become very close and for Alex, Alita had become like a big sister she no longer had. Afterwards, Alex traveled back to her world and immediately fell asleep on her bed again, of course not without putting the scented sticks in her glass beforehand. At first Alex found this annoying because her room now always smelled of lavender, which is why she already couldn't stand the smell now. But it was necessary if she wanted to get a normal sleep behind her. She had already packed with her mother, but when she asked her about the school uniform, she got no answer. It should be a surprise, her mother had said. Alex had then only groaned and poured her mother more coffee.In the morning, Alex was awakened by the familiar sound of her alarm clock. Yawning, she stretched and turned it off. After a few miserable attempts to cover her dark circles with makeup, despite 10 hours of sleep, she got dressed and woke up her mother, who was still fast asleep. After a short breakfast, they ran to the car, because as always, the Brown family was late. Alex had hoped to get a few more minutes of sleep in the car, but she had forgotten about her mother's erratic driving. They sped through the streets so fast you'd think they'd just robbed a bank. Desperately, Alex clung to her seat and tried to get her stomach under control. But thanks to her mother, they arrived at their destination sooner than expected. When they finally stopped, Alex leaned back in her seat, groaning. No ten horses would get her back in that car. Only then did she notice that the car was already empty and quickly got out and marveled. They had parked in front of a large and old brick building. Above the large entrance gate was written in squiggly script: Winterville High. Alex was surprised at the old and beautiful architecture. The whole building looked as if it had come out of an old novel. "Well, can you get your mouth closed?" asked Alex's mother, to which her daughter rolled her eyes. Nervously Alex turned her shoulders back and walked towards the gate before her mom. With a slight squeak, however, it opened by itself and revealed a woman who had apparently been waiting for her. Alex immediately noticed how she was being examined from top to bottom and how the woman nodded to Olivia. "Good morning, Mrs. Brown. I hope the ride went well?" the woman said in an iron and commanding voice. She was obviously talking to Olivia, but her green eyes insisted on Alex. "Thank you for asking. It was all going brilliantly Mrs Larkins. This is my daughter Alex.", Alex's mother said in her business voice and put a hand on her shoulder. Alex smiled briefly and regretted not dressing more elegantly. She felt a little out of place in her holey black jeans and beat-up Doc Martens. "Nice to meet you. I'll give you a few minutes to say goodbye now," Mrs. Larkins said, abruptly turning her back on the pair. With a firm grip, Olivia grabbed her daughter by the shoulders."I want you to know how much I love you okay?"Alex nodded, a little uncomfortable in her skin. "Be nice to your classmates and come visit me soon!" her mother reminded, giving her a kiss on the forehead. Alex was almost glad when she finally got into the car and sped away. The farewell was short and curt, but this did not bother her. From before Mrs. Lankyns came back and looked at her closely. "Your suitcase has already been taken to your room," she said and made her way through the wide yard towards the school building. Unmoved, Alex followed her with big steps, for the lady was faster than expected. When she stepped through the door, the girl was amazed again. She had never seen such a beautiful school. It was in the perfect middle between old and new. Spiral staircases led to rooms and hallways and the walls were made of light granite.                               "Alex this is our head girl Madelaine. Madelaine this is Alex our new student." said Mrs. Lankins pointing to a girl with long blonde hair who must have been two years older than Alex. She smiled happily at her, showing off her dimples."Nice to meet you!", Madelaine said and happily squeezed Alex's hand. Her grip was firm and strong, causing Alex to grit her teeth briefly.                                                                                                           "I still have a lot to do, which is why Madelaine will take care of you from now on and show you around the school. I hope you'll like it here," Mrs. Lankins said, and before Alex could say anything in reply, she was already rushing away, leaving the two girls alone. Puzzled, Alex looked at Madelaine, who laughed in response.                                                                                             "Don't take it personally. Mrs. Lankins is the vice principal and she's always so stressed." ,the head girl explained, hooking up with Alex and beginning her tour.                                                             "So this is the entrance area. By the right staircase you go to the classrooms and by the left staircase you go to the dorms." "There are no separate dorms?" asked Alex, a little shocked. She had never shared a room with anyone before.                                                                                                                                                                   "Um yeah everyone sleeps together. Girls and boys separately logically.", giggled Madelaine and led Alex to the right through a door where the reading room was. At long tables sat isolated students engrossed in books and laptops."Here you can do homework and study in peace," Madelaine explained a little too loudly, whereupon a girl asked her to be quieter. Madelaine just giggled and continued to drag Alex through corridors until they came to the dining hall, scattered a few late risers were sitting at the tables eating their breakfast.                                       "Breakfast is served on weekends from 7 to 11, but during the week only until 7:30 a.m. Lunch is served at 1 p.m. and dinner from 6. It's a buffet so there should definitely be something for you!" the school president said. Alex was actually amazed at the wide selection and was already moved on. Next Madelaine showed her the library, which Alex liked immediately, and then one of three common rooms, where many students sat in old armchairs in front of a fireplace and talked. Alex was surprised at the warmth this room radiated. Maybe this school wasn't as bad as she had expected.                                                                                                                                                            "So now we come to the most important part!" said Madelaine excitedly. Alex looked at her expectantly, waiting for an explanation. "Your school uniform!"                                                                Oh, there was one more thing, Alex thought, just raising her eyebrows.                                              "Here at our school, we have two. One for your time in class and one for all the training sessions. You can design both yourself." Alex was actually surprised, she hadn't expected that.                                                                             
„Really, is that still a school uniform then if everyone wears something different anyway?" asked Alex, recognizing Madelaine looking at her in confusion.                                                                              "Well they do have to conform to a certain standard, but you'll see it's mega fun."                          With that, they sat down on a comfortable couch and Madelaine handed Alex a tablet.She could actually choose and change her clothes herself. While Alex was focused on the tablet, Madelaine looked over her shoulder.                                                                                                                                                 "I can recommend you to use a material for your training clothes that doesn't break down quickly, like Metan. And best you adapt it to your skill.", she said and typed something.          "Aren't you curious about what skill I have?" asked Alex, but Madelaine shook her head.      "There's a rule with us. Don't tell anyone your skill. Believe me it's better that way."                         Alex nodded and turned her attention back to her uniform.                                                                         "Can I maybe leave you alone for a minute? There are some friends of mine over there." asked Madelaine, pointing to the group of teenagers in front of the fireplace.                                             "Sure.", Alex said and looked after the head girl. She heard the girl greet them loudly and listened to them talk. When she was satisfied, she quickly finished her design and walked towards Madelaine. Who was engrossed in a conversation with a boy.                                                                Clearing her throat loudly, Madelaine looked to her and abruptly jumped up.                                   "Alex, are you done?" she asked a little too loudly. Alex nodded. "You're Alex?" asked the boy who had been talking to Madelaine.                                                                      "I'm her why?" said Alex, noticing how all pairs of eyes were now on her. Somewhat surprised at her provocative tone, he raised his eyebrows.                                                                                                 "You're new, aren't you? What's your skill?"                                                                                                         Alex looked at the boy. It was obviously a trap. They wanted to take advantage of the situation, but Alex would not give them the pleasure.                                                                                                               "I can summon unicorns." she said unmoved and so seriously that the boy looked at her uncertainly. Alex could literally hear it rattling in his head.                                                                   Madelaine snorted loudly and proudly patted Alex on the shoulder.                                                      "Justin you were supposed to stop teasing the new guys. It's only because of you that I gave Alex a heads up." The boy named Justin now blushed slightly and laughed out loud.                                                         "You could have given me a warning." he said softly, looking down at his feet.                                 "Don't act so pitiful! Come on Alex let's go!"                                                                                                         With these words, the two went to their dormitory, where it turned out that there were actually two, connected by a door.All the beds were made of dark wood and were already bedded. Posters of stars and bands hung on the walls. Next to each bed was a small thin wardrobe and a nightstand. Alex was amazed how chaotic it was in the first dormitory and was immediately reminded of her own room.                                                                                                                                     "Sorry ours is always pretty messy. Mostly because of Cathy," Madelaine apologized and Alex just smiled at her. "Best you unpack your suitcase and try to settle in here. School doesn't start until the day after tomorrow anyway, so try to take advantage of the day off and get to know people better."           Alex nodded silently, but knew she would be spending tomorrow alone. She had never been a particularly social person, so she wasn't particularly eager to have to make awkward conversation. Once she was alone, Alex unpacked her suitcase and shoved her clothes into the closet. When she pulled out her cosmetics bag, she paused. Madelaine had told her many things, but where the washrooms were she had left out. So Alex looked around and discovered a second door. When she opened it, she was met by hot steam. A head with wet blond hair peeked out from behind a curtain.                                                                                                                                                 "Close the door!" she shouted angrily, spouting a few more insults. Smiling at the nice reception, Alex quickly placed her cosmetic bag on a shelf above one of three sinks and glided back out the door. At least now she knew where the shower rooms were.

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