°Chapter 5°

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 When Alex arrived, most of the people were still eating breakfast, but this time when Alex landed on her bed, she heard a short low-voiced cry. In fact she hadn't landed on her bed this time, but on that of her neighbor. The girl had just brushed her hair when Alex suddenly appeared and had dropped her brush in shock. Furious she now stared at Alex.

"Can't you be careful? That's not funny!", she then added, as Alex started laughing.           She just couldn't help it. To have had always a room alone just had its disadvantages. Still laughing, she went back to her bed and looked at the clock. It was already late, so Alex quickly put on something more suitable and hurried to her meeting with Madelaine. She was already curious to see what her school uniform would look like.

Even from a distance she saw the girl waiting for her impatiently and when she spotted Alex she waved at her exuberantly. Alex wondered how someone could have so much energy in the morning and gave the head girl a small smile. 

"Good morning Alex! I hope you slept well?"

"Morning, yes I even got 2 hours of sleep.", Alex said and smirked slightly when she saw Madelaine shocked face.

"Oh, um well let's go try on your uniform then," Madelaine stuttered awkwardly not knowing how to respond to Alex humor. 

Together they went into a room where a man was already waiting for them. He made a very special impression. With his soft long light hair hanging over his shoulder and his delicate facial features, he very much resembled an elf. Even his outfit, which consisted of a white flannel suit, with light green patterns, added to that same feeling. In the room there were some dressing rooms and on poles hung a lot of costumes and uniforms. 

"This is Sebastian, our tailor. He made your uniforms and will take care of your clothes in the future.", Madelaine explained.

The man shyly smiled at Alex. "If you want to make any changes, just come to me.", he said and Alex was surprised how gentle his voice sounded. She nodded and looked at the man with interest. Something told her that he was not some ordinary tailor. Smoothly he took some black clothes from a rack and pressed them into her hands. They were lighter than she thought an immediately tried them on.

First she put on her school uniform. Alex had chosen the black look, since it was her favorite color. Finished dressing, she stepped out of the cubicle.

"Wow! You look amazing!", exclaimed Madelaine enthusiastically, whereupon Alex looked at herself in a large mirror. She saw Sebastian smiling proudly out of the corner of her eyes. When she saw her reflection, she was amazed. Every piece of clothing fit perfectly and felt like a second skin. Her black tennis skirt accentuated her narrow waist and long legs. Her also black blouse enhanced her body perfectly and with the dark blazer, that had shiny silver buttons, her outfit was complete. A few times she turned in a circle and then turned to Sebastian, who was looking at her with shiny eyes.

"Thank you!", was all Alex said, but his face lit up and he smiled widely.

"I'm glad you like it. But here's your training costume. You'll love it.", he said and handed her more clothes, which felt much heavier than the ones from before. 

"I designed them so that your body has plenty of room to breath, and the fabric automatically adjusts to the temperature."

Gratefully, Alex accepted it and disappeared behind the curtain again. There were a lot more accessories to this outfit. When she stepped out the girl looked at two surprised faces and quickly looked at herself in the mirror. Her jaw dropped at the sight. Her dark purple tight pants fit like a glove and the tall black boots that went up to her knees fit perfectly. As she wanted, there was a zipper on the side. On her belt were places where she could attach guns and knives. Around her thigh was fixed a band under which she could put blades. But the whole look was completed by her black corset, which protected her ribs and tied in the front. The top underneath was fitted and also dark purple. Her forearms were shielded by arm guards made of shiny metal. 

"You look like a true warrior. It looks even better than I imagined!"

Alex turned to Sebastian and grinned at him. "You're really good in this.", she said and pointed at her clothes.

"Thank you very much but your fit isn't complete yet. It wasn't specified but I had one last accessory made for you."

Surprised, Alex raised her eyebrows and tilted her head. Sebastian disappeared behind a counter for a moment and when he came back he had a black cloth in his hand. 

"This cloth is made of Elatin. It is bulletproof and skill resistant. Because of it's origin, it can absorb life energy and give it to you in an emergency."

Almost reverently, he handed it to Alex. 

"That means if Alex is badly injured, it can give her new strength?", asked Madelaine, joining them.

Sebastian nodded. "It can't heal you, though and if it runs out of life energy, it takes a few days to replenish its stores."

Thrilled Alex looked at her gift. Then she frowned.

"Why..?", she began, but was interrupted by Sebastian.

"You may not remember this, but I was your fathers student. When you were a baby I often took care of you when your parents didn't have time."

Wide eyed, Alex looked at hime, to which he laughed slightly.

"When I heard you were coming to our school, I made up my mind to please you and give you this scarf."

Alex was speechless. The world was sometimes smaller than one thought. She was grateful he hadn't mentioned her sister. Her father had left the family when she had been 12 years old. So you could imagine that Alex didn't have a good impression of him. 

"Do you know why..", she asked, but was interrupted again by the tailor.

"No, I have no idea wha he left and where he is now. Even I was shocked when I found out about his disappearance."

Anger and sadness flashed in his eyes as he looked on the dirty floor, as grey as his eyes.

"Well, try it on!", said Madelaine suddenly, abruptly changing the subject. Alex had completely forgotten that she was still here, too. Carefully, she wrapped it around her neck. The fabric felt cool and soft on her skin. She looked questionably at Sebastian and Madelaine. Both gave a thumbs up and smiled at her. 

As a farewell Sebastian hugged her, which surprised Alex. She was nevertheless very touched by his gesture and promised to visit him sometime.

LacrimOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora