First day working at the movie store

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   Garfield woke up before Greg and Zach since he's used to waking up really early. He thought he could make them breakfast before they went to work. So he quietly went down stairs to the kitchen and looked around for something to make them when he found a box of pancake mix in the cabinet. He followed the instructions on the box and mixed up the batter. He saw some strawberries in the fridge so he added those in as well. He turns the stove on and put butter in the pan then pours the batter in. It's a lot nicer knowing that he would actually be able to eat these and he wasn't just making them for someone else. He finished making a couple pancakes when he hears someone

"Hey good morning, those pancakes smell really good" said Zach while yawning. "Thank you Zach, I thought I would get up early and make breakfast for us. Is Greg awake yet?" Said Garfield handing Zach a plate with two strawberry pancakes and some scrambled eggs on it. "Wow this looks great, thanks Garfield! Yeah Greg's awake, he's just getting dressed for work so he'll be down in a sec." Said Zach taking the plate and sitting down. Garfield turns off the stove after he's done making pancakes for all of them then he sit down and waits for Greg. Greg finally comes down stairs and eats with breakfast with them. Zach checks his phone and says "Well, I gotta go home to get ready for work so I'll see you guys later." he kisses Greg on the head and then leaves.

   After they're done eating and he cleaned up, Garfield goes upstairs to get dressed for work. He put on the work uniform, which was a yellow button up shirt with a dark blue vest. Greg messaged him telling him to hurry up so they could get there a little early so he could teach him where stuff goes. He went out and got into the car and they drive to the movie store. Greg parks the car and tells Garfield what he would be doing "Basically all you'll mostly be doing today is putting away movies that people rented and helping people find stuff so it shouldn't be that hard."

   Greg unlocks the door and they go inside. He walks behind the counter and hands Garfield a form to fill out. "Here's the form you need to fill out for you to officially work here, we're kinda desperate for new workers so you'll most likely get accepted by tomorrow" Then he pulls out a name tag from under the desk and writes Garfield's name on it then clips it to his vest. "There, now you look like you work here. After you're done filling the paperwork out I need you to put away the movies in this box" Greg says, giving him a box full of previously rented movies and points to the shelves.

   He finishes filling out the work form and then starts putting the movies away, until he tries putting a movie on one of the top shelves and ends up knocking off a bunch of movies off of the lower shelves. He starts to panic thinking he's already gonna get fired again on his first day. Greg runs over to help him "Hey are you okay?" Greg says a little worried "This has happened to me quite a few times before so it's not a big deal. I honestly don't know why we even put movies that high up when no one can really get to them easily" he says as he helps him put the movies back. "Yeah, I was kinda freaking out thinking that I was gonna be fired again" said Garfield, rubbing the back of his neck. "Nah, the boss doesn't really care as long as you clean it up. Plus you can't get fired since you technically don't officially work here yet remember" says Greg still picking up movies and putting them back. They finish cleaning up the movies and Greg asks Garfield to go stand at the front desk with him. Zach decided to come hang out at the store and he stayed until they got off work.

[Author's note: Idk if I'll write more of this or not but I just wanted to post this chapter]

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2021 ⏰

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