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In a galaxy far far away...


Birth of a new Knight

Peace has been restored to the Galaxy...

After the epic battle of Rey Skywalker and her allies the Resistance against her Grandfather the emperor and Sith Lord Darth Sidious, she has emerged victorious.

But as light shines through the galaxy, Darkness grows within the shadows, a thorn group of Sith knights known as the 'SITH Empire' plans to take control of the Galaxy with a new purpose, they disregard the past Sith Lords' teaching and force a new bridge of destiny through Destruction and death.

They have invaded different planets and were stationed to their home planet; Korriban in the outer system of the galaxy, The resistance searched for their location but to no avail, did they find it. As new darkness reigned over, the Grandmaster Jedi, Yoda, visioned of a group of younglings gifted with incredible powers of the force and knew they could bring eternal peace to the galaxy, but their location was unknown to his thoughts and so he plans to retrieve the boy along with new allies.

In a distant universe unlike their lives a planet of one sun and a shattered moon, where three teenagers who looks into the sky and sees the infinite possibilities that await them...

A temple stood on vast land where trees and rivers run wide and a group of hooded people good before a few others, they held up their lightsabers and ignited it and lit the room.

"From the light... there's darkness... from the darkness comes light we the ones who walk between the path of both dark and light comes the way of the force," said a lady's voice. "And we stand here with new faces upon us under our order"

"from our order, there is a code amongst us," another lady's voice said.

"Flowing through all, there is balance

There is no peace without a passion to create

There is no passion without peace to guide

Knowledge fades without the strength to act

Power blinds without the serenity to see

There is freedom in life

There is purpose in death

The Force is all things and I am the Force"

Then three hooded people stood in front of them and took a braided strand of hair where they are now knighted.

"Arise," she said. "and welcome to the grey order"

They all stood up and removed their hoods, one of them revealing to be Jaune Arc, Blake Belladonna and Lie Ren. Then the hooded mentors revealed themselves to be Ashoka, and other knights along with them, namely; Rey, Ben, Ezra, Cal, and Merrin.

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