Part 1: The Train

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After the war the school had to be rebuilt, a lot of the students were terrified to go back because of the ptsd that a lot of the students developed, which is why not everybody was going back but most of them were.

Hermione, Ron and I were boarding the train, wondering who we were going to see again. The schools rebuild took almost a year but now the school was back on track. We found an empty compartment and sat down. I leaned against the window and started thinking about Hogwarts. I didn't want anything abnormal to happen this year. I wanted one normal year, I was scared to go back because I have so many memories there. Bad and good but the bad washes over the good.

"Harry..." I heard faintly. "Harry.." the voice got louder, which snapped me away from my thoughts. "Yeh" I mumbled. "Are you okay?" Hermione questioned. "Yeah, just thinking" I assured, quietly. "Are you sure mate?" Ron asked. I nodded.

"I'll be back in a sec" I muttered, already walking out of the compartment. I went to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and I could feel a panic attack coming on. I was worrying about what would happen when I got to school too much.

I couldn't breathe, it was like the walls were closing in on me. I started hyperventilating. I couldn't control it. I slid down the wall, shaking.


"Is everything okay in there?" A voice asked. They got no reply and all they could hear was heavy breathing. The door was unlocked so they walked in.

They saw Harry on the floor hyperventilating, before even thinking they sit down in front of me.

"Harry, I need you to breathe with me... can you do that?" They questioned calmly. The best harry could do is nod because he couldn't form any words. "" they continued with this for a minute or two till Harry's breathing calmed down. "W-why a-are you h-h-helping me?" Harry stuttered. "Dealing with panic attacks is kinda my thing" they smiled nervously. "But I thought you hated me, Draco" Harry snivelled, from crying. "I don't hate you" he reassured.

Harry searched his eyes for a tell, to see if he was lying. Harry was good at reading emotions and all he could see in his eyes were sincerity and another emotion that he couldn't quite put his finger on.

"So why were you having a panic attack?" He asked, sounding generally worried. "No reason" Harry lied. Draco saw right through the lie. "If you tell me I can help." Draco breathed, quietly. "Promise not to make fun of me?" I proposed. "I swear on my life" he promised. "I'm really scared to go back" Harry whispered.

Draco knew what he meant straight away. "I know, I am too. It'll be fine" he reassured Harry. "I don't know if it will" a tear spilled from Harry's eye. "I can't do it. I can't go back there" Harry was really crying at this point. "Hey" Draco got Harry's attention. "It's gonna be okay" Draco promised. "Can I hug you?" Draco asked. Harry nodded. Draco embraced Harry in a warm hug. It didn't last long but it was definitely what Harry and possibly Draco needed.

"Would you like to come to my compartment with me?" Draco asked, hopefully. "Sure." Harry smiled, a genuine smile. Draco walked to his compartment and Harry followed. Sitting there was Pansy, Blaise, Theo and Millicent.

"Finally Draco, what took you so long?" Pansy questioned. "I was helping Harry" he said nonchalantly. "Harry come on, sit" he spoke calmly. "Hey Harry!" Pansy exclaimed, happily. "Hi" Harry spoke nervously. "Why are they being so nice" Harry whispered in Draco's ear.

"No one's bothered about all the rivalry stuff anymore. Plus we're all getting resorted so there's no point starting something we can't finish" Draco spoke quietly.

We're getting resorted?" Harry questioned. "Yeah, did no one tell you?" Theo was shocked that I didn't know. "There's a chance that you could get Slytherin!" Draco stated enthusiastically.

"To be honest I don't think that I really mind what house I'm in this time, I was wrong before, judging you all was wrong. The Slytherin-Gryffindor feud never should of started it was just pointless bullying." Harry spoke with purpose.

"I say that we end it all this year and at least be civil with each other." Harry proposed. "I think we can do better than that, Potter." Pansy, Blaise, Theo and Millicent said smirking in sync. "What do you mean by that?" Harry questioned. "What do you say? Wanna be friends?" Draco inquired, speaking for everyone. "I would like that, but on one condition..." Harry spoke confidently. "And what is this condition?" Theo asked. "We will be friends no matter what house I'm in." He requested. "No. Matter. What." They all said in sync.

Hope you don't hate the chapter that much. Hopefully my writing improves aha.

838 Words

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