'Not Dream SMP'

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They went to Tubbo and asked him if he was willing to join and like in the Stream, Tubbo said yes.

Which confused me, was the way he looked.
He had some familiarities with Toby but he had horns and over all had detail of a goat like being.
His Ears were facing down and his nose was a goat- like pointy one.
you could say he somewhat looked like the fanarts.
Oh and he's short.
I mean, it might be because of my height but he was not taller then 5'5 if not smaller, which next to me is tiny.
As he noticed me, he smiled at me and got back to talking with wilbur and Tommy.
I said nothing, first of because i didn't wanted to change the story yet, second of because of my Social Anxiety.
Also another reason why i hate my height; everyone looks at me.
"We still need a name. Do you have any suggestions, Tubbo?", Wilbur asked then counting down from 5.
"Uh- i...uh Not...Not DreamSMP, sorry"
"That is a shitty name", Tommy said.
"What about L'Manberg?", i said from behind them, startling tommy a bit.
"that's genius, i know that guy would be useful in our revolution", Wilbur said, poking me in the side with his elbow.
"haha thanks", i exclaimed nervesly.

Joining the Dream SMP [Male!MainCharacter]Where stories live. Discover now