A fun day

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" ya know y/n why would you ever leave being a kook to become a pouge" pope questioned. I looked over a him and laughed "are you kidding me, thats such a stupid question Pope, I'm just surprised kie hasn't already just left" i said laughing looking and kie, she glanced over and smiled. "I'm not to sure why I haven't just left, I'd like to but you all know i love my parents, plus who would keep you all out of trouble if I didn't already see you all as much as i already do" she replied laughing.

"I would!" I exclaimed. "Y/n, lets be serious here if its not JJ being in trouble its you, which recently JJ's been acting better then you have" she said in a serious manner looking dead into my eyes. Raising my hands up in defeat, I nodded acknowledging what she had just said. JJ jumped on kie and putting on a funny voice saying " awwww kieeee you think I'm being good!' Everyone started laughing and kie pushed JJ of ove her.

"So guys, what shall we do today?" I questioned. John b rose from his seat "boat day!!" He shouted. Everyone rose up and started cheering, although its basically nothing different to what we normally do we always have fun. "WAIT!" JJ screamed. We all looked at him and waited for him to speak again. We waited.... He was just starring at us "god dam it JJ just tell us already!" I screamed at him. Knowing we were impatient and just wanted to know what he was going to mention.

" i was just going to ask if anyone has seen my stash thats all jeez" he said rolling his eyes playfully. I walked over to him and punched his arm, "ow y/n what the hell" he shouted. I looked at him for a moment, "thats for making us wait for something so little!" I replied. "Chill out man!" He said.

Jhon b spoke up telling jj that he left it on the boat the other day.

After walking for a short while we arrived at the boat, we all instantly got on it and pope and jj were playing some game where the shove the other ones shoulder. Now that was a game i never understood. Kie and i sat on the front end of the boat while jhon b started moving the boat. After a short while jhon b stopped the boat and everyone sat down, joking and laughing just having a good time.

We all had a beer in out hands, jj had a beer and a joint in his. Scooting over to him i stook my hand out. He thought i was going to take it off him and throw it away like i normally would which explained the sad look on his face. But I decided, I'm going to be more outgoing like my friends are, I'm mote of the quiet type who doesn't like to do new things but these guys, wow they really have brought me out of my shell.

After taking it off him i then proceeded to take a few drags off the joint, coughing after the first 3 drags but then after that it was easier to handle. Everyone looked at me wide eyes open, proceeding to pass jj his doob back he spoke up. "Dammm y/f/n finally became less stiff huuh" he said while adding a smile to his face. "Oh shut up" i replied smiling back at him.

A few hours went by and we soon realised we all had to head back since we had to go to school tomorrow.  We had arrived home and decided to crash at John b's place. I was sharing the spare room with JJ and kie was with John b in his room, pope felt bad if he crashed in a room with one of us as 'there would be no space' but JJ and I insisted until he finally gave in.

Soon enough we all fell asleep.

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