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Welcome to the real world where it all begins and ends the same. Where fear, sadness, and confusion, meet to introduce you to her ungodly ways, and to also abolish your existence once she's through with you.

People like you and I no longer exist. People who crave to feel.

Whether that be emotion; happiness, guilt, anger.

Maybe its physical; pain, exhaustion, relief.

Hungry for satisfaction, that'll never be received.

Maybe you long for endurance, you and I.

Maybe I desire self control. Same as you?

Not your beloved homecoming queen sitting in the run-down gas station, pulling a used needle out of her sock, hoping she can get her next high before the varsity football game.

Life, typical. Everyone has their downpours.

However, growing up to the sight of your mom blowing crack infused vapor into the air, as her lit cigarette burns yet another hole in the carpet, wasn't typical.

Never knowing her father, men would run in and out of the home, abusing them and stealing from them. Again not typical.

Finding satisfaction in her next high, was.

But like trash that sinks to the bottom of the ocean, if they know your unclean they'll beg to get you fixed. But do they want you clean for morality, or for the sake of self righteousness?

Pure Heroin : The Untold TruthOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz