Chapter 2

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Lilith POV
I woke up with a headache this morning, ugh damn alcohol. And that's when all the events from the previous night crashed back. Yesterday night was so so crazy. I'll just have to stay alert and keep my guards high for the time being.

Asriel POV
I couldn't hold myself in any longer. I have been watching my angel silently for a few months now. It angered me that she talked with man other then me but I'll let is slide for now because she still didn't know that she was mine. But tonight I just couldn't hold myself back anymore seeing her in that dress made my dick hard. She was scared, like a little bunny, that was for sure. She immediately left the club after or small incident but soon she will realize she won't be able to escape from me. Her faith was already written in the stars and she was supposed to be mine.



"We got everything ready for your plan."

"Alright, let's not wait any longer and proceed with it." I said

Today I am going to get my angel. I will do whatever it takes to make her mine and right now my plan was to kidnap her and somehow make her fall in love with me. Let Cupid be on my side.

Lilith POV
As usually work was very very boring and my boss was still a huge dick. Finally my work day was over but sadly it was still only Monday. I grabbed my Ralph Lauren bag and put on my beige colored coat and went to the entrance of the building to leave but as I stepped closer to the entrance I got an eerie feeling in the pit of me stomach that kept growing. Something felt off but I couldn't stay here forever. Right? Pushing the feeling aside I stepped outside and started my journey to my home. It was already dark outside and I started to walk faster and faster still with the eerie feeling. That's when someone grabbed me and before I could even scream there was a cloth clasped against my mouth. "shhhh angel, don't worry it's just me. You're safe with me. Now be a good girl and go to sleep for a while." I felt my eyelids grow heavier and heavier till I fell in a black slumber.

Asriel POV
We were in my car driving back to my mansion.
She was absolutely stunning, beautiful, she looked like a fucking angel. My angel. Her hair shiny and black and that innocent look. I felt content, happy for the first time in my life. I felt like a kid who got the best present on Christmas. And I couldn't help the smile creeping up on my face. I was beaming with joy. I finally got my angel in my hands and I'll do anything for her to fall in love with me. I looked down at my angel and saw her snuggling closer into me while she was shivering from the cold. I pulled her closer and held her close to me while I tried to keep her warm. We were almost home and then I could put her into our bed.

"I will for always love and cherish you Angel. I'll keep you safe from every danger from outside there." I said to her unconscious state and I placed a kiss on her temple.

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